prepare to have you head painfully hurt by the non-logical-ness...

Jun 04, 2007 15:55

Okie dokies...marty...pretty much my second him to bits...spend as much time as possible with him...joke around with him...etc...etc...etc...

alana...constantly asks for my help cus she likes marty...doesnt know wether to pick between johnny an marty...everytime she has been going out with marty i have set them up...on her request...i have never...done anything to hurt her...i went to the formal with marty yes...but that was cus she didnt have a i finally get her back with marty...and only a short while later what do i hear of...

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell...aparently darling alana is convinced that i am trying to steal her dearest boyfriend away from her...cause that clearly makes so much sense...ffs! who in ther right mind would think tha i was trying to steal there boyfriend when i had set them up especially seeing that every time people asked me about me and marty  the only words out of my mouth where "omg! what ahhhhh1 no he's like my brother!" including the several times i have told alana apparently she does not want him around me...shes been bitching to him about spending time with me...and she decided when marty asked her to come down to my free house to drink there instead of up the cave hill she said no and made marty go up the cavehill with her and others to the rain!

quite honestly i feel sorry for the girl she has gotten to the point of paranoia where she cant even trust her closest friends...she thinks every1 is out to get her...this is bordering on the rediculous in what parallel fucking universe would i want to steal marty...she even accused sarah macdermot of trying to steal marty a girl who she has known all of her bloody life! 
I will be damed if she is going to stop me spending time with one of my best friends in the world fucking well phychotic bitch!

anywho i'll be having words with her on friday at lauras house if her and her boy-on-leash show up, cuase heaven forbid he be in the same place as me.

I'm away to tinas to rant...and eat pizza...mostly the pizza part like lol
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