Sep 18, 2006 01:21
hoorah for me as the coursework is done its gone praise god lol sorry religion courseworks gone to my head don't worry im sure it won't last long lolbut i still have no art done and i have a biology test tomoro which i didnt get time to study for i might do a bit of note reading in bed lol im supposed to bring in coursework from last year for bio too but i'm just gonna say i forgot that i hadn't handed it in and bring it in the next day lol as i still havn't done it lol
and don't start complainin when you see that chris i did actually forget i hadnt done it till she brought it up last class lol
so tomoro will consist of me going to school and then coming home and lockin myself in my kitchen like a wee hermit to do art cause i need two pages done by tuesday and i havn't got anywhere near that much done so its being a creative hermit or death pretty much lol then i shall be back up on the computer as i do my physics homework and study for chemistry and physics tests...oh dear i just remembered i have a math test tomoro too lol ah well not to worry im the only one in the class who has the slightest idea whats goin on so it should be fine lol
well that be it says i so im of to me bed now with a good ol' biology book eugh lol so not doin that to a level so nighty night