You amaze me because you matched to one of my requests. And you're writing a story just for me! Because of that I'm already your biggest fan, so please don't stress too much. I understand 100% that Optional Details Are Optional. *g*
I love the funny and the poignant, so whichever way you choose to go is fine with me. I'm not terribly fond of 2nd person narration, though, and have some specific dislikes that you'll have seen in my requests*.
This year's requests are:
Duke Special (Music Videos)
All the videos are available at
Youtube. When choosing characters, no live performance, making of, or fan made videos were used. I've asked for Any Characters, but I'd like it if you keep the animated characters in their world and the live ones in theirs. I adore the twisted threesome in Our Love Goes Deeper Than This. I love the bears (and other animals!) in their animated forest. Please, no December holiday stories or mpreg.
So much love for Duke Special.
With this request, it isn't necessarily the song so much as it is the little universe created for that song and the characters. Also, I'm not particularly into RPF, so you needn't go digging & researching for RL details - just treat Peter as the character 'Duke Special' in whichever video(s) and do the same with Neil & Chip's characters.
Merovingen Nights - C. J. Cherryh et al.
Rigel Takahashi aka Raj Tai, Justice Lee aka Justus, M/M
Something from when they were living together - slash or gen - would be lovely. I love the depth and richness of the world/society-building in this series and there is so much of the city to explore. And these two characters navigating the difficulties of being Adventist at the Revenantist College. And the darkness of their rooms at Hilda's... Feel free to have them interact with anyone else on the character list, but keep the focus on them. Please, no mpreg.
If you're writing me slash: I love UST. I love first times. I like a little plot with my porn. It doesn't have to be penetrative sex, either. Not too much schmoop, though.
Ninth Wave (Song Cycle)
Anything. Just please, no December holiday stories.
Until I spotted this on the Ginormous List, I hadn't realized precisely how much I wanted it. (And that's one of the things I love about Yuletide, too.)
*(I didn't specify no December holiday stories in my Merovingen Nights request because a) different universe, b) no December. Also didn't specify no mpreg for Ninth Wave because it seems highly unlikely that you'd think to write it in that fandom. They still - please - apply. *g*)
If you need any more details about my likes or dislikes, you can try asking
If you're reading this letter from the perspective of a potential treat-writer and are unfamiliar with the sources, they are the entire B-side of Kate Bush's Hounds Of Love, a series of 8 books, and a whole bunch of lovely, short music videos.
eta 12/14/10: Also, Yuletide Madness types who might see this, if you're up to it and willing to write something I didn't officially request, I'd love to read Harold & Kumar Go To Sunnydale or David Sandstrom (ReGenesis) vs. House.