(no subject)

Apr 12, 2010 22:30

1. Yay, getting a bit back on my taxes!

2. Yesterday was a Mary Poppins sort of day - y'know, practically perfect. Weather-wise it was sunny and 70F and not humid.

On top of run-walking the trails at Tamarack, I did about 1/8 of a mile barefoot-barefoot (sans VFFs, in other words) on asphalt. The lesson from that is: it's not the big things - the hard ground - that hurt, it's the little ones - the pinhead-sized pebbles that stick to your arches. I'm sure I looked like a flailing idiot, but it was fun.

And then I scored the last loaf of cranberry/sultana focaccia at Kowalski's. Nom.

Really, if the day hadn't started out with my power being out for at least three hours and having to work 2.5 hours once it came back on, I'd give it a ten.

3. Stopped in at REI tonight after work and ended up in a twenty minute conversationQ&A session with the guy in the shoe department about VFFs. Which was cool, actually, even though he kept apologizing. *g* And he told me that the big store in Bloomington should be restocked a bit later this month... okay, so I'm an addict.

4. At this month's HOA board meeting, a homeowner visited to air some concerns she has about rules that aren't being followed. Brought pictures and everything. Had co-written a letter with another homeowner who couldn't make the meeting due to illness. Main one is about cars parking in the turnaround areas of driveways, which has been an issue for years. So, yeah, we hear her out, and it seems everything's groovy and we're suggesting ways we can improve the rule-following, yadda.

Now. There's five of us. President, secretary, treasurer, and two members at-large. Our 3-year terms are staggered - 2, 2, 1. On May 4th, we're losing the president and one member at-large and neither of them wants to be on the board again because they've both been doing it for over 6 years already. The secretary's got a year left...

But she's decided to resign. Because she can't allow her name to be associated with the direction the board is heading. Because the other board members "eagerly" agreed to back up the complainant. Hmmm. One of the first meetings I attended? The cars-in-turnanrounds issue was being discussed and I distinctly remember her saying that her kids park in the turnaround in front of her unit when they're home. So, what, rules are to be selectively enforced? Whatever.

5. Ack, I've really got to get moving on my icon-making for Spring With Xan.
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