Apr 21, 2007 09:42
Well, April here has had almost a record amount of snow, thirty centimeters during a month that averages eleven centimeters. At the beginning of the week, we had a blizzard pretty much, on a day that was warm enough, yet cool enough, that any precipitation could come down as rain, snow, sleet, icy rain... So it snowed in the morning, and rained all afternoon. Tuesday was all rain, Wednesday threatened to rain... and Thursday and Friday had afternoon skies so blue it hurt to look at.
Right now, I'm looking at the same sky, though with a few clouds here and there. Woo! I think I'll get the barbecue dragged out and set up. Steaks sound good, don't they?
The past few weeks have been fairly non-eventful, at least as far as my life is concerned. Work's been pretty crazy busy, with only a few lulls here and there.
I picked up the new game line from White Wolf, Scion: Hero. It's a neat idea, borrowing rules from Exalted, a few ideas from Aberrant, and mythology about Norse, Egyptian, Japanese, Greek, and Aztec gods, along with the Loa from Africa. Your characters play modern-day Scion, children of the gods, and you find yourself as the first line of defense against the recently escaped Titans, and their brood, the titanspawn. I've only just begun to get into it, but it looks pretty spiffy so far.
Well, that's about it for the update, hah, nothing terribly exciting or horribly depressing, gee, I'll try harder for the next post. ^^ *laughs* Now I'm off to enjoy the day!