
Mar 14, 2008 22:14

 So I have been feeling pretty yucky for quite a while now. I have been tired, with a runny nose at times, and other times unable to breath. A cough, lost my voice, ran a fever... just seemed like every few days something different would break down on me. If I was a car, David would have traded me in for a newer model :) Thank goodness he loves me even though I have been falling apart, physically.

On Wednesday I only had 2 out of the 4 children that I care for during the day. Since our walk in clinics all close at 5pm, but tend to stop accepting patients by four, I figured that this might be a good day to try to see a doctor. My mom came after she got off work (arrived at 2:30pm), to take over the daycare, and be here for the kids when they arrive home from school. Then off I went to the walk in clinic. OK OK OK ... I CONFESS... I stopped at Starbucks first so that I could get a frappucino... but who knows how long I would have to wait... and I have been feeling yucky... and it would help my throat...LOL.

At the clinic I sign in with my health card and have a seat. The waiting room has HUGE pictures of the doctor and his grown family. These were not your typical 8x10 Walmart photos, they are poster size, with only one or two people per photo, and definitely done by some sort of professional. Nice you think? Actually, it was strange, but I think it has to do with their culture.
There was a TV mounted on the wall in the corner. It was a nice 37" LCD tv... LOL... I don't know that much about these things... this is merely a guess. But Judge Judy was on. So I sat there drinking my Frappucino, reading my book and watching Judge Judy. ACTUALLY, the tv was pretty loud, so I found it kinda hard to concentrate on my book, plus when I would look down at my book, I would get a tickle in my throat and start coughing. Why did I just type that? Is it even important?

OK... so I get called after only being there about 30 minutes. I am a little disappointed as I was enjoying the 'me' time... don't judge me, I have 3 kids, take care of 4 full time children under the age of 5, plus a 9 year old after school... not alot of 'me' time... so if I can enjoy a bit of time (even sitting in a waiting room) I will!

I head into the doctor office and wait for him. When he comes in I say that I have been ill for four and a half weeks, thought it was just a cold, but figured it has hung on too long.

SOOOOOO.... he takes his little flashlight and shines it into my mouth. He is still sitting behind his desk and the flashlight is at least a foot away from my mouth, He does not lean forward for a look. Then he taps my forehead (YEP! TAPS it!) and asks if it hurts. I say 'no'

Then he taps my cheek bones. Does that hurt? I say a little.

That is it. He writes me a prescription and says I have a sinus infection! He doesn't ask ANY questions besides those two!!!! He is done. Hands me the prescription, I say thank you. He says nothing!!!!!!

Everyone that I know that has been in to see this guy, walks out with a prescription. They either have a sinus infection or bronchitis! UGH!

But I am pretty sure that I needed antibiotics, and it probably IS a sinus infection. I thought so, which is why I went there. If I REALLY wanted an educated opinion, i would have held out to see my family doctor (who is always booked solid and is on the other side of the city).

The retreat is next month and I HAVE to get better!
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