Several Things....

Jan 11, 2008 15:13

Last night I was up for a LARGE portion of the night due to Danae and her uncontrollable need to vomit!
For those of you who have children, you will know that the little bit of sleep was neither sound nor restful. I was constantly jumping up everytime she changed positions in the bed. For every loud swallow or moan... I was ready and alert with the big metal bowl in hand. UGH! But the LAST thing I wanted was to have a re-play of her last vomiting fiasco. I did not want to end up scrubbing the carpet and walls due to some VERY bad decision making while trying to get her to the toilet!

All this to say that I am EXHAUSTED, and my head feels like it might explode. I called all my daycare parents at 6:15am to tell them that Danae was ill and that I would have to close for the day. After I got the boys off to school I climbed back into bed, and got about 2 hours of light, broken sleep. Unfortunately it didn't make me feel any better.
Now it is 3:20pm, and I have accomplished ABSOLUTELY nothing here today.

On the plus side, Danae seems to be on the mend. She is keeping things down and isn't complaining of a tummy ache anymore. The interesting thing about all of this is that Danae is the ONLY person in our home to have received the flu shot!

Enough of my whining.... time for a couple of 'kid' stories....

The other morning I was in the shower. It was around 6:50am. David was in Vegas and the rest of the house was asleep, including our dog! My first daycare child would be arriving at 7:15, so I was trying to be quick and yet use the shower time to WAKE up.
I was washing my face, so my eyes were closed, and I was relishing the warm water cascading over my face, and the absolute silence of our house.
When all of a sudden something COLD GRIPPED my leg!!! I SCREAMED and tried not to choke on the water which a moment ago was so peaceful and relaxing. Someone is GIGGLING... I peek out and Danae is crouched beside the shower having a wonderful laugh at my expense!!! LOL... little monkey!

On Tuesday evening I went downstairs to tuck Brendan in.

When I went into his room and sat on his bed, he say to me "Mommy, my heart is ..."  BIG SOBS "not feeling so good" his eyes are shut and he is crying (those BIG crocodile tears amidst a lot of huge gulps for air).

As I look at him, I assume I KNOW what he is about to say. Because, frankly, this boy can become quite emotional when he is tired. I am thinking that he is going to pull out the 'I MISS DADDY' card, since David was in Vegas and due home the next evening.
Don't get me wrong, I KNOW he misses his dad when he travels, but he only seems to get upset when it is bedtime, and he is tired.

However, this is NOT what he says. Instead,  he says "I was thinking about how much we have and how little the poor people have" (and his voice escalates and the sobs become even bigger. He is quite tired... but also genuinely upset.
Ahhh... he has such a big empathetic heart... but now I have to give him some reassuring words of comfort. But what do you say to this? He has stated a fact, a truth, that can not be disputed?!?! 
So, I go back to the beginning. We talk about sin and how it entered this world when Adam and Eve chose to eat the apple. We talk about how we are living in a fallen world. Things are not fair. But, I also assure him that life on earth is short and that EVERYONE can accept Christ's gift, rich, poor, or otherwise. We all have a mansion in the sky... waiting for us... if we only accept. No one is poor in Heaven!
We also talk about how we need to thank God for what we have, and do what we can to help people who are struggling.

He is feeling better. We pray for the poor people and thank God for all He has given us.
Brendan goes to sleep, and I am left thanking God for this boy who has a heart for the Lord.

Until next time...
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