Сегодня я вывешиваю во всех соц. сетях более-менее одинаковый пост, который собиралась написать месяц назад - про что наша недавно вышедшая книжка.
Не знаю, интересно ли это кому-то тут, но копирую кусочек введения.
Why We Wrote This Book
Like many authors, we wrote this book because we felt we could not not write it. We are both educators and practitioners; hence, we see both how and what computer science students are taught in class and what knowledge they lack when they enter the workforce. We do not like what we see and hope this book will help bridge this gap.
When learning about data management, most students never see a real production database, and even more alarming, many of their professors never see one, either. While lack of exposure to real-life systems affects all computer science students, the education of future database developers and database administrators (DBAs) suffers the most. Using a small training database, one can learn how to write syntactically correct SQL and even write a SELECT statement that properly asks for the desired result. However, learning to write performant queries requires a production-sized dataset. Moreover, it might not be evident that performance might present a problem if a student is operating on a dataset that can easily fit into the computer’s main memory and return a result in milliseconds regardless of the complexity of the query.
In addition to lacking exposure to realistic datasets, students often don’t use DBMSs that are widely used in industry. While the preceding statement is true in relation
to many DBMSs, in the case of PostgreSQL, it is even more frustrating. PostgreSQL
originated in an academic environment and is maintained as an open source project, making it an ideal database for teaching relational theory and demonstrating database internals. However, so far, few academic institutions have adopted PostgreSQL for their educational needs.
While PostgreSQL is rapidly developing and becoming a more powerful tool,
more and more businesses favor it over proprietary DBMSs in an attempt to reduce costs. More and more IT managers are looking for employees who are familiar with PostgreSQL. More and more potential candidates learn to use PostgreSQL on their own and miss opportunities to get the most out of it.
We hope that this book will help all interested parties: candidates, hiring managers, database developers, and organizations that are switching to PostgreSQL for their data needs.