Jun 03, 2007 20:43
Now that the years coming to a close, let everyone know, how your year was.
period 1: OP/Fitness Games/Yoga/CPR
period 2: Latin II
period 3: Jewlery/ American Voices
period 4: Early British Lit./ Drawing
period 5: Algebra II (1)
period 6: 20th Century American History
period 7: Bio.
period 1: Abe/Leigh/leigh and Jeff/Shivani.
period 2: Mr. Banta.
period 3: No One/Lee
period 4: Amy and Ava/ Abe, Ally, and Abbie
period 5: Ryan
period 6: Abe and Jenny
period 7: Zack
1. Who was your favorite teacher?
Mr. Danko and Mr. Justice
2. Who annoyed you most during 3rd period?
The people who didnt do their homework eventhough it was so easy. Although i can thank them for two free blocks I got.
3. Sit with at lunch?
My homiez. Love you guys.
4. Which period was the most boring?
5. Where you were most likely to fall asleep or not pay attention?
6. Which class did you get the most hmework?
English 1st semester and history
7. Which period were you most hyper in?
Drawing or english.
8. What was your favorite class?
9. Did you like lunch?
...who doesn't...?
10. Do you like going to school?
No. I can't say I do. I like the fact I get to see my friends.
11. Who sits behind you in Period 3?
Well Lee did but he graduated...
12. How many kids are in your Period 2?
13.What teacher do you dislike the most?
I like my teachers...
14. Can you talk in your 3rd period?
15.Who sits next to you in 5th?
No one.
16. Who sits in front of you in 6th?
Ms. Davidson.
17. Summarize your year in five words
Death. Amusing. Difficult. Intellectual. Memorable.
18. What do you hope next year is gonna be like?
I hope that it is not as hard as everyone says it is and I hope its not so...depressing... as this year was.