Last week Russel T. Davies in an interview with Doctor Who Magazine said about the worst thing imaginable for the future of Doctor Who:
“It does get very dark, series three, as it progresses, and I think there’s a little element of fun missing. I love those final three episodes, but part of me misses a great big Dalek/Cyberman war - the fun of it! I’m sure that fandom was luxuriating in that run of ‘Human Nature’, ‘The Family of Blood’, then ‘Blink’, which was very dark, and then the darkness of bringing back the Master. Fandom might think that’s the way forward... but it’s not. Next year we’ll be pulling back from the darkness. Absolutely. The greatest mistake with TV drama is to presume that darkness=good. And if you're expecting Doctor Who to head further that way just because of the success of ‘Human Nature’ onwards, that’s not going to happen. Sorry.... we’re starting at Christmas, with a big, fun spectacular, and then the first few episodes next year are going back to the colour and liveliness of ‘Smith and Jones’ and ‘The Shakespeare Code’. More fun! Those are my instincts.”
Alright, it is officially time for Davies to move onto other projects. He sucks as a Science Fiction writer no matter how utterly brilliant he is with drama and comedy work. Move on you sheep-luvin' Welshman! I for one appreciate all you've done for bringing back Doctor Who but I grow tired of the collective groan the Internet consistently makes from your episodes. Go away and give your baby to
Steven Moffat. He'll make you proud and make the series less painful and probably more enjoyable too!
The IT Crowd
A few days ago the second season of
The IT Crowd hit the Internet. The last season became enormously popular through the Internet, and Channel4 went so far to support this by putting the entire season online for streaming. I always had mixed feelings about the show, but mostly enjoyed it because it was rather clever and well-acted. My hesitation came from not really enjoying situational comedy all that much and finding the laugh track more than annoying, but actually actively killing much of the humor.
The first episode of the second season is pretty darned brilliant and may be one of the best episodes so far. It brings back what made the original series so popular (i.e a bunch of awkward geeky people doing awkward geeky people things), but ups the ante by bringing in the kind of building up over-the-top situational faux pas that is a staple of British Comedy but was sorely missing in the first series. I actually found myself laughing at the first episode (by myself no less) - over the accursed laugh track. Fans old and new should check out the new series now playing on Bit Torrent...or
maybe even here.