So I mostly emerged unscathed from this semester. Getting everything in on time and finishing all but one of my classes. A little peeved about the Independent Study that go away because my facilitator couldn't get her act together, and because my finishing of the class was based on her availability. But we get over these things, especially since most of the time I love her so damned much. I guess the plan is for her to be available to finish it up over Jan term.
It's good to be back in Boston. Kelsey and I watched another
Kushner-Locke Production last night. This one was titled Aliens in The Wild, Wild West. The West terribly wild, the main character boy was ridiculously annoying with his incessant quips and the aliens looked like really scary (not at all family-friendly) and were most likely purchased at a B Horror Movie tag sale. Thank God for unholy entertainment collaborations between Canada and Romania! A far cry from the delight that was
Teen Knight, and
Teen Sorcery - but still pretty enjoyable.
Today we need to go out and get another wireless router because the ancient generation one Airport Base station has decided it is only going to work intermittently. I need to play my delicious Battlefield 2! I also downloaded two Mods for Half Life that look very exciting the first one is
The Hidden and the second is
About Bloody Time!
It's not Carpal Tunnel, foo!
To this day no study has been able to link Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in any meaningful way to keyboard use, despite trying to find one over and over.
Harvard Medical School has just published a study which is yet another study which refutes the connection. The study also found that heavy computer use doesn't even increase your chances of getting it, the two are completely and utterly unrelated []. The study, however, correctly states that heavy computer use will increase your chances of getting other RSI conditions such as tendonitis.
Don't believe Harvard? This is hardly anything new [].
Yes, I do file this under people who incorrectly use antisocial instead of asocial. Remember kids, it's not Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, which only 2-3% of the population has, it's RSI the most common of which is tendonitis.
ebay getting its just desserts!
With fraud on eBay reaching new levels and customer complaints at an all time high, finally Law Enforcement Agencies are starting to take a look at's almost non-existent fraud prevention and fraud support []. Stick it to 'em! Too long has eBay made a financial killing while doing nothing to keep the eBay community a safe and trustworthy place for consumers.
While they are at it, I hope they take down eBay's other racket:
Paypal [].
Meanwhile those of us who avoid eBay due to it's problems long for Google's solution to become...well, not beta [].
Moment of Zen (It's been awhile so here's your fixin'!)
Real or fake - it's really fucked up. Attractive? Hah! Though I suppose nothing really replicates the joy of having a set of brass knuckles embedded into your chest...or something.-
I'm glad I'm not on MySpace, it's clear users are being offed one by one.
Absolutely fascinating. New Jersey has the highest number of Hate Groups per Capita. Who wins overall? South Carolina. Pennsylvania is a higher roller too, which is quite surprising. When was the last time something happened there?
Italy to institute 'porno tax'! With all the woeful mismanagement and corruption of the Italian Government they have to break even somehow. I'll give the Italians major points for finding creative solutions.
Wow, they totally stole my idea! Peddle an over-priced CD for housewives packed with empowering "woman songs". Damnit!-
Shazaam's a cop?! Only in Florida!