(no subject)

Nov 21, 2005 13:37

DeathFest is an event which happens once a semester at Hampshire College. It's basically a simplified D&D tournament where GM's run large one-shot campaigns with the express purpose of killing players as quickly as possible. If you die fast enough you can sign up to be in the DeadGame which if you are the winner of you can get into Tier Three. Naturally, the winner of the DeadGame gets to go onto Tier Three, in which the sole survivor is declared the winner of DeathFest. Last year, I had played but really had no fun because my GM was poor. This year, I had hoped to participate by helping out with the event, dispensing bad advice to my friends in their games, and just going around schmoozing and hanging out.

I ended up being recruited into a DeathFest game because they needed one more player. After some coaxing I agreed and thought I could kill myself quickly. Despite my best efforts to the contrary I didn't get to die until the very end. The game itself was really not well-done, too easy, long, and the characters had pretty boring characters. Actually, just about everyone had interesting characters but the GM decided our characters would all be changed into something lame (and without a background) for the duration of the game. It involved really simplistic puzzles which were too easy to figure out and thus allowed us to escape unscathed. It was pretty clear the DM hadn't run a game before. The game ended up being almost three hours, and for almost two hours nobody had died. It was insanely boring, and frustrating because I wanted to die, but the GM's pacing was so slow and easy it made this extremely difficult.

I ended up leaving right afterwards, since every other game was let out long before ours would and none of my friends were in the dead game. Apparently, the Tier 2 game was no better and the whole thing went on until 3AM. Amusing things did happen, including some great creative morality so creative it made a lot of DeathFest virgins uncomfortable and want to leave.

I gave DeathFest a shot twice and really didn't have fun so I'm toying with the idea of Co-GMing a game with Chris at next Semester's DeathFest. I think I can be efficiently devious with Chris enough to kill people at a rapid pace.

Jack Thompson Update
This Jack Thompson stuff just gets better and better! He's threatening to sue Amazon.com because his book sucks. Up Next: Jack Thompson v. et al!

Hampshire Zaniness
ENOUGH (bread) - A Contemplative Dance Performance and Fundraiser for Pakistani Earthquake Relief

A Contemplative Dance Offering and
Fundraiser for Pakistani Earthquake Relief
by Daphne Lowell

Monday, November 21, 2005
8:00 p.m.
Dance Studio
Hampshire College

As we come to this season of harvest and decay, activity and fatigue, loss and bare bones revealed, it is time to pause. Harvest awareness of what we have. Who we are. What we need to do. And offer something back.
Plant seeds of hope.

Contemplative Dance (Authentic Movement) celebrates the fragility and power of physical existence and expression. It is a form of radical improvisation/meditation-in-movement performed with the help in spirit of those gathered. Bring yourselves. Bring your imaginations. If you like, bring a token of your offering.

No reservations necessary. Free of Charge. Donations for Pakistani Earthquake Relief will be collected. Wheelchair Accessible. For information call 413-559-5674

Are you absolutely kidding me? ENOUGH (bread) - a journey of pretentious modern dance! Not only is that one of the most ridiculous event descriptions known to man. But they also managed to pick the exact date and time as the fundraiser we've been planning, and blitzing the campus with advertising for. I'm not at all concerned for the success of our fundraiser, I just think it's too bad they didn't bother looking at other events and realizing they were conflicting with another fundraiser for the same disaster. Oh, this truly exemplifies Hampshire College!

Moment of Zen
Arnold's in Brazil for Carnival! Ever wonder if Arnold is an ass-man or a breast-man? This thing would so discredit any other politician, if it wasn't for how star-struck Californian voters were.

deathfest, geekery, hampshire college

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