The trip to Boston was really nice. The weather was lovely. The house was oddly empty, it took me until Sunday morning to finally notice a copy of an email on the desk from my parent's friends in Italy who were happy to hear they were coming. That's a mystery solved. My parents have become a might unpredictable in their later years.
On Saturday Kelsey and I wandered around Boston, got our hair cut, poked at things for Halloween costumes at various stores, and Kelsey took pictures. We had Dim Sum for lunch and bubble tea afterwards and walked home.
In the evening I took Kelsey out for dinner at a small trattoria that had gotten a really good writeup in the Boston Globe. It being her birthday dinner she helped herself to a two course dinner and ate a prodigious amount of food. I was amazed how much food went into that little creature across from me.
On Sunday, Kelsey and I went to
ASC and we just so happened to be Animal Blessing day so there were lots of cute animals in the Sanctuary. I got recruited to take care of zany but very friendly golden retriever that belonged to one of the women in the choir. It was a really sweet little beastie. I always feel so happy when I go to church with all it's nice people, positivity, and hope.
Why can't the rest of the world be half as awesome?
Afterwards, Kelsey and I drove to my middle school,
Kelsey has a picture gallery and
an entry about it. It felt really nolstalgic and nice to go back there, especially running into Mr. Sigel my old Dorm parent, art teacher, and one of my mentors.
Afterwards we got a bit lost trying to find the highway again but eventually found our way and drove back to Hampshire.
Kelsey was really freaking tweaky, difficult and even annoying throughout the weekend. I found out on Saturday her bizarre and rather unpleasant pattern of behavior was because she had forgotten her medication in Amherst. She shall not be doing that again or I will horribly murder her and feed her bits to the pidgeons she longs to squeeze so much.
I miss Boston already, but it's good to be back at Hampshire.