Sign-ups close: Monday, March 17
Assignments sent: Tuesday, March 18
Fics due: Sunday, March 30
For this round, you've chosen Queen C, the fantastic Cordelia.
-You'll have almost two weeks to write your story. It should be posted on Sunday, March 30th. On that day, make a post to the community, and please take a moment to comment at the masterlist post as well.
-Minimum lenght is 500 words. There really is no maximum ;)
-You may request any het Cordelia pairing, with a man of your choice from BtVS, AtS, and Firefly. You can also be assigned characters from those shows to write with Cordy (If you don't feel comfortable writing Firefly, list 'Firefly men' as a character you can't write)
-Don't hesitate to ask, if you have any questions.
Man you'd like paired with Cordelia:
Three elements you'd like in the story written for you:
Up to two elements you don't want included:
Rating preference:
Does your request require comics canon?:
If not, would you be open to having comics canon in your request?:
Up to three men you'd prefer to write with Cordelia:
Other men you could write with Cordelia:
Up to three men you can't write with Cordelia:
Can you write comics canon?:
Highest rating you will write:
Anything else you can't write?:
Anything else I should know?:
Thank you for signing up! :)