Title: Stalemate
leobratRating: g
Pairing: Cordelia/Angelus
Prompts: Written for
walkwithheros. Her prompts were C/Aus, a game of cat and mouse and Cordy being resourceful.
Summary: Set after Cordelia and Angel falling asleep in the bed with Connor in the end of Provider, goes AU after that.
Word Count: 588
Note: I hope you like this. It's taken me a lot longer than I would have liked, so it wasn't properly beta-ed.
He was watching her again. Just like he had been yesterday and the day before that and every single day for the past two months.
Cordelia shifted Connor to her other arm and slowly made her way out of the park, so as not to look like she was panicking. She’d hoped to have an afternoon picnic with her ‘son’. He was getting so big, almost six months old. One day, she’d fallen asleep with the baby between her and Angel, and when she’d woken up…Angel was gone. Angelus was back.
She barely had half a second to register that before snatching up the baby and running outside before Angelus could get at them. Lorne helped her get out of L.A., and they made it back to Sunnydale, but this time, Willow wasn’t able to restore his soul. Though Giles wanted to investigate to see why the old method wouldn’t work, Cordelia knew that Sunnydale wouldn’t be safe.
She’d spent weeks tearing all over the west coast, trying to find a safe place to hide for her and Connor. It seemed Angelus was always one step ahead of her, and she knew what his plan was- he had left a drawing of an idyllic family that first morning. Connor as an infant forever, and her, young, beautiful and bloodthirsty.
The terrifying thing was, it was almost tempting to her.
Angelus knew her weakness. Security. Love. Family. Being in a place where she belonged to someone. Things she’d never had growing up, and never really had until LA and forming Angel Investigations and…and Angel. And Connor. Ready made family, come by the unnatural way, but nothing had ever felt more right, more natural.
And as she was falling asleep that night, making plans for Connor’s future with Angel, Cordelia’s last thoughts were, “I wish we could stay like this forever.”
She was beginning to think she was the one who had been cursed. She spent eighteen years in frivolous oblivion, and when she’d finally found happiness, purpose, and family, it came at the price of pain, loss and even her total humanity.
So Angelus knew he could twist her like that, he knew just how to get to her.
After all, he knew her better than anyone.
But what he didn’t count on, was that she knew him better than anyone, as well.
And she knew that what he really wanted, more than anything, was just to be close to her. If he was close to her, he could get under her skin, he could manipulate her.
It took some doing, it took some careful planning, but Cordelia made her way back to the Hyperion. It took a while to settle on who to hire for the job, who she could trust…but then again, there was no one to trust in this business. How Lindsey McDonald and Spike agreed to team up to hunt the great Angelus together, she may never understand, but she was willing to guess that she would have to pay for making a deal with that devil at some point.
And so, the great Angelus was captured, and he lived in the basement of the Hyperion as a prisoner, connected to her always by a camera. They were in a stalemate, him unable to reach her or the outside world, she unable to harm him or help him.
She did not know if Angel would ever come back or if Connor would ever know his real father- all she could do was hold out hope.