slightly related to my previous post, i've also been thinking about how the current pro-war argument against the media is possibly one of the most retarded things i've ever heard.
they're upset that the media is not talking about all the "good stuff" that's happening in iraq. and some have actually gone as far as
posting bullshit photos, foolishly forgetting that we're in the very, very transparent 21st century,
and saying that it's in part because many journalists are opposed to the U.S. effort to fight terrorism. (i've used lefty blogs to illustrate the point because, of course, the politician in question has removed his bullshit and tried to explain it away... in a few incarnations. none of which make sense.)
see.... this says to me that, well... that the local news is clearly on the side of the murderers when they don't report how many people were not murdered today. or how many cars weren't stolen.
lemme put this more clearly: it's the fucking news, you shithead.
the news does not report on all the good shit! yeah, there's a fluff piece at the end of the half-hour... but that pretty much amounts to the same amount of positive iraq reporting already.
so, ya know, stfu you
these are the same people that are complaining that the reporters are sitting in their cushy green zone and spouting lies about what's going on. and then we have jill carroll.
sfc, how do these people retain credibility?
i've even heard some say that nbc has been looking for explosions er some shit, to report, instead of good news.
now, let's break this one down, as i clearly enjoy that:
so we have a few nbc crews in iraq. that aren't staying inside their cushy green zone hotels, as has been already stated. so there's that. nay, they're out looking for violence to report.
yet, the violence is few and far between, they say. and yet... nbc seems to have this magical ability to ALWAYS FIND IT. wow. that's soem fucking kreskin shit right there, ain't it? it's like they can figure out when and where fucking lighting is going to strike, since this crazy violence is so rare, huh?
i even heard a sound clip, i think it was on
olbermann's countdown, about a guy that was trying to set up a report on a new school opening (good news!) and then it promptly exploded (bad news.) complete with the audio of said event. i wish i had it for reference. i think it was one of the podcasts.
this body of evidence has convinced me of one thing: those left standing behind the president, and the war, are simply fools. i must say, i am a patient person, believe it or not. i use this place as a bit of a steam valve with whic to release pressure... but in actuality, i can be very patient and understanding, and contemplative of other viewpoints. i'll listen. i'll debate, civilly. i detest name-calling to any extent in a debate or persuasive peice of substance. whether it's "chimpy mcflightsuit" or "bushitler" or "lieberals" or ... shit i can't even think of anymore for either side because i basically just forget them. although the credibility and dignity level of the speaker certainly drops down a few pegs every time. regardless of their lean. because it shows that you're atleast partially relying on the sting of your zing, rather than the content of your argument (sorry i couldn't rhyme those last two).
but i am also a scientist. and we have a saying, in scientific investigation... "don't reinvent the wheel". meaning, there is a certain level of acceptable state that needs to be agreed upon, and used. when you set out to show that a certain stress level is induced in a structure due to a certain loading profile... you don't fucking derive the whole theory of classical continuum mechanics. know why? because we'd never fucking get anywhere, that's why. we have developed such a vast knowledge base, as a species, that no one person can get anywhere new if they start from the invention of the wheel.
to me, this makes complete logic, and efficient sense.
and this is why i am now starting to simply discount some right wing views. because they have now come to signify, to me, the reinvention of the wheel. it is simply a waste of goddam time to entertain the ramblings of someone that wants to tell me that bush is going a good job. at anything. there is VAST evidence to the contrary.
i will not entertain the ramblings of anyone that disagrees with global warming. for there is an effective consensus amongst those that know better than anyone, that it is quite real.
i will not entertain the musings of those that do not believe in evolution. for these people are like children playing with guns. they cite words like "theory" and point to that as evidence that it is not to be believed... when these same words are used to describe "gravity".
yes, gravity is as much a theory as evolution. science uses words like this in their pure form. not the versions mucked up by connotations and interpretations of the uninformed.
and although i am comfortably agnostic, as one who was raised catholic, i see no reason why this would be in conflict with the idea of a creator.
and yes, i agree that this now seems to make me sound like one of those "elitists" groups of which i was never a part. because i felt that the uninformed could simply be informed. and could then make logical conclusions for themselves. because it's not their conclusions, per se, that offend me. it's that they are concluding... with nothing, or horse shit, to base it on.
but this was before i found that the vast majority of these fools don't care for truth. they care for "their team". and "their goals".
they've made their conclusions already. and now they're looking for the proof to back them up.
and this... is the most offensive insult, this bastardization of thought, the most offensive insult to any scientific mind.
and i'm tired of it.
UPDATE: and then there are the
very dangerous people that are completely unaware that they have no where near enough information on a subject, and yet spring into action anyway.
un. believeable.
how. the hell. did we even get this far as a species...?