as if that's earth shattering...
also, notice how he writes, Most members will be elected with between 80% and 100% of their support coming from Republicans. which pretty much means all that bullshit republicans and bush have been spouting about "uniting, not dividing" is just that: bullshit.
they'll say whatever they need to in order to get elected. you gotta read between the lines to see what they really mean. and yeah, that goes for democrats too. but they're pretty much nonexistant at the moment so i'm content to bitch about the republicans, thanks.
these people don't care about the country as a whole, they only care for the people that agree with them.
and as much as that may chafe the asses of some people in this country, allowing people to disagree with them... it is precisely what this country is about. it's called freedom. and it's for everyone.