I enjoyed it in general, but that doesn't mean I loved every second. IN FACT I DIDN'T.
Sue can stay and be awesome and really, she can do no wrong in my eyes. I love her, I love everything, I wish she had stayed as the Principal forever. AND THEN.
Welcome to the Kurt And Friends Show. I. I like Kurt as a character, dammit show why do you want me to NOT LIKE KURT? Also apparently EVERYTHING IS FINN'S FAULT? I don't even. Feel bad Finn! Feel bad for not being there!1
I don't like to have SUCH A STRONG FOCUS on a single character, and this whole episode makes NO SENSE if you put it back to back to the episode in which Kurt infiltrates into GAY HEAVEN. In gay heaven NO ONE CARED about Kurt and apparently no one noticed he was being bullied (has been bullied CONSTANTLY) but now suddenly EVERYONE KNOWS AND CARES AND WANTS TO HELP (except Finn. BAD FINN. BAD!) I mean. I LIKE IT BETTER WHEN THEY CARE. But man, it's like the show is bipolar.
ON THE POSITIVE I loved the wedding, I love Papa Bear Burt ALL THE TIME. I loved Finn dancing, I loved Puck being DUDE WE CAN BUILD A PERIMETER LIKE THE SECRET SERVICE. (Even though IT MAKES NO SENSE considering he was a dick to Kurt in Gay Heaven.)
Re: Sam the Cunning Evil Overlord, I approve of any development that might end up with Puck punching him. So that seems to be going the right direction.
I make no sense.