(3)(a) is the Most Interesting

Aug 27, 2007 23:27

Man, I have been lax on reading and updating on LJ for the last month or so.

Recent events of note:
(1) Summer ended. My final year of law school has started (yikes! how did that go by SO FAST!?)
(2) I am going to softball tournament over labor day weekend. That should be...well, humorous.
(3) Rikard (my other half) had to relatives from Sweden (Gotland) stay with us for a few days. His cousin was *really* cute.
(3)(a) Rikard's aunt is married to a doctor.  Ingmar Bergam lived in Gotland. Bergman had a doctor. You can prolly infer the rest. That is crazy.
(4) I've been skateboarding, A LOT. School is going to put a dent in that one.

in bullet points, life

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