[event] Bonenkai 2009 - updated with temp. schedule!

Nov 06, 2009 13:35

so i suppose this'll be more of an announcement than a planning topic, but...

Location: Hotel Salak Bogor
Date / Time: 26 & 27 Desember / 09.00 WIB sampai selesai
Entrance Fee: Rp 5.000,00 per day(?) <- bisa pesen tiket di saya~

Temporary Schedule:

day 1 (saturday)

0900-1000: opening ceremony, bon odori, sambutan-sambutan
1000-1040: chanoyu / upacara minum teh
1040-1130: washi performance
1130-1300: movie
1300-1330: taiko
1330-1345: jaipong
1345-1400: japanese dance
1400-1430: japanese martial arts
1430-1500: cosplay competition
1500-1530: cosplay performance
1530-1600: kimono performance + demonstration
1600-1630: batik performance
1630-1700: kecapi suling
1700-1730: closing + bon odori

day 2 (sunday)

0830-1000: movie
1000-1045: chanoyu
1045-1130: shodo
1130-1230: kimono performance + demonstration
1230-1330: mochi making
1315-1330: japanese songs
1330-1415: japanese martial arts
1415-1430: rampag gendang
1430-1530: cosplay competition
1530-1600: cosplay performance
1600-1630: taiko
1630-1700: japanese drama
1700-1730: rampag + taiko collaboration
1730-1800: closing + bon odori
1800-1830: hanabi

Contact Persons:
> cosplay competition: 08121115681 (Melli)
> band competition: 0818113569 (Ade)

anyone interested in coming?
*will be cosplaying*
i'll be hungary on day one and edea (ff 8) for day two. :3

questions? just ask.
i'll answer to the best of my abilities. :3


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