Auf Wiedersehen, Good-bye!
Hello, Hello, this is Passion Mod |D (Or, what used to be Passion Mod).
I have decided that I am no longer really needed here. No one really talks to me and I just kinda feel out of place. It's not because of any particular person, I just feel like there's no reason for me to be here anymore .__. So rather than sit here and take up space, I will relinquish my modship as well as my position as Spain. (A really hard thing to do, you see.)
Thank you so much for always being there for me when I needed it, especially with all the stuff going on in my life. I can't say I hope you guys find a better Spain, because I don't wanna think about someone else taking my place, but I do hope you find someone more enjoyable than I am =3=.
SO UHM... Yeah. OTL. I'll miss you all. I'm keeping this email just because I've become attached to it, so you can reach me through that. Some of you have my number, and others have other ways to contact me.
~S p a i n