Title: Knowing you
Fandom: Hetalia
Author: RWQ
Pairing: Yao/Kiku (or Kiku/Yao- take your pick).
Rating/Warning: PG13 for shonen ai and flangst.
Disclaimer: I do not own or make money off Hetalia.
Summary: “Will you go out with me?”
read here. )
Title: Something new
Fandom: Hetalia
Author: RWQ
Pairing: Kiku/Yao or Yao/Kiku, either way.
Rating/Warning: PG13. This is actually fluffy and the relationship is already established.
Disclaimer: I do not own or make money off this.
Summary: Asking Yao if he could top is definitely a legitimate question.
read here. )
Title: Nowhere
Fandom: Hetalia
Author: RWQ
Pairing: Kiku/Yao or Yao/Kiku, either way.
Rating/Warning: PG13 and it’s dark, disturbing and depressing.
Disclaimer: I do not own or make money off Hetalia.
Summary: This is for the best, for you and me.
A/n: …
read here. )