Title: The Copenhagen Protocol
haroCharacters/Pairings: America/England, with guest appearances by Denmark, the Nordics, the Netherlands, and Canada
Rating: PG-13, for England's mouth and America's mind.
Notes: Written for the following prompt: I'd like some established relationship fic between these two. America is actually a
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The noun form is made by adding -ness to a noun?
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...I think I'll just go with OH ENGLISH.
This comment misfired. I, too, may be tired. And that rhyme was unintended.
Um. About the fic. >_>;;
This was actually gorgeous and hilarious and gen-ish, and while I adore your kink writing, I definitely prefer gen on the whole. What I liked best was the way you portrayed the international climate--no longer frozen toward America, but also aware that there has to be a conscious and clear extension of the diplomatic hand. (And I also liked the idea of America refusing it, but maybe that's because I'd like my nation to focus on domestic issues for a bit.) All in all, a jolly good show!
*grin* Thank you -- you know, I have no idea whether I prefer my kink writing or my gen writing on the whole, because I have such different agendas with each. And that's probably the subject of an entire post in and of itself, so I'll try to lay off the social theory here except to say that yes, that context was definitely present while I was writing this.
...I was also finishing this fic up just as Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize, and I think a lot of that context crept in; I do think there's been a tremendous shift in attitude towards the United States (and I hope to god it'll remain so), and while that is in and of itself significant after the past eight years, contained within that is a call to action -- and you know, I think that kind of call ultimately brings out the best of what America can be.
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