Discussion Post 1

Feb 21, 2011 06:54

KINK MEME AND DISCUSSION HAVE MOVED: http://hetalia-kink.dreamwidth.org/

Talk with other anons from hetalia_kink about everything and anything related to the kink meme.

Allowable topics include, but are not limited to: Characterization, Fills (past or ongoing), mechanics of kinks, seconding threads, prompts, writing help, general kink meme fic discussion, Writer-Reader communication.

As in the rules at hetalia_kink your kink may not be someone else's kink. Please be respectful of the differing opinions of the many anons that make up this discussion post. You may disagree, and you are encouraged to do so in a way that contributes to the conversation, but you may not disparage or call out anons. There is to be no anon bashing, character bashing, pairing bashing or kink bashing. I will give a warning where it appears that discussion is slipping into the realms of wank, because I prefer not to delete otherwise valid threads. This is the first warning, that is the last warning.

Questions, concerns, and comments to the mod can go here: community.livejournal.com/hetaliakinkchat/919.html

General Discussion can go here: http://hetaliakinkchat.livejournal.com/1043.html


CONCRIT THREADS: Want concrit on your fill? WIPs or already finished, you can post the link here: http://hetaliakinkchat.livejournal.com/598.html?thread=1342806#t1342806 If you ask for crit, please leave some in return.

CHARACTERIZATION THREADS: Have a question about characterization? Looking for differing viewpoints? Join a character discussion thread and share your headcanon: http://hetaliakinkchat.livejournal.com/598.html?thread=1292118#t1292118

INDEX THREADS: will be posted every 3 months.

Active indexes: http://hetaliakinkchat.livejournal.com/598.html?thread=1522518#t1522518

Inactive Indexes: http://hetaliakinkchat.livejournal.com/598.html?thread=1522774#t1522774

While I chose 1 month as a cut off for what is an "active" index, I realize some indexes don't require updating that frequently. In such instances, feel free to comment and add your index as an "active" one.

If you have a topic that you'd like to see as a recurring thread, feel free to start one or ask me to do so. We'd like to provide as many resources as possible to anons to foster creativity and a sense of community.
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