If this isn't allowed then please feel free to delete this.
By using photoshop and its various resources like patterns and brushes, plus by using official art and fan art, I have created over 80 or so Hetalia Christmas Cards and I am currently working on birthday cards. But I wanted to share with everyone what I have created. Again I did not draw these Himaurya and amazing fan artists have done so. I do wish to do cards like this with art from other anime but I lack the resources to do so orz
Updated: I may.. and I stress may, If I can afford it after sending off cards to my friends, offer maybe 5 cards to the first five people who reply. But I shall post a new entry If I can.. So keep your eyes open!
Please credit them to song_of_ages if you wish to use them, also if you wish to use them ^^ please tell me and please say if you would like me to PM you the cards with the backs attached. ^^
Here are the links, I have uploaded them onto Flickr so everyone can view them:
Christmas Cards 2009
http://www.flickr.com/photos/56488839@N04/sets/72157625499545008/detail/ Christmas Cards 2010
http://www.flickr.com/photos/56488839@N04/sets/72157625498593454/detail/ Birthday Cards 2010 (UPDATE: New ones added )