Prompt 4 Voting Poll is Open!

Jul 05, 2009 10:12

Hello all, and welcome to voting for Prompt 4, the "Prussia's awesome awesomeness" challenge!

I hope all you Americans out there had a great Fourth of July (and that no one accidentally set fire to their house while trying to light slightly questionable fireworks...because let me tell you, our backyard just barely made it through intact while we were testing what would be the best angel to set off the rockets and mortars...let's just say we were waaaaaaaaaaay off at first....)

But I digress... ^ ^

This is how voting works:

--Below, you will find a table containing all icon entries for this round, each with it's number beneath it

--After you have looked over all of the entries and have chosen your favorite and least favorite icon, follow the link below the table title "ROUND FOUR VOTING POLL" and vote for your choices using their corresponding numbers (you may only vote for one icon in each category)

--All votes are anonymous, and voting is open to EVERYONE EXCEPT THE CONTESTANTS THEMSELVES

--Please note that if you try to vote and a message comes up saying that the survey is closed, then please try again in a bit and it should be up again.

Good to all contestants, and remember to tell all of your friends to vote!


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Prompt Four Voting

Voting will be open starting now and will end midnight US central time on Monday July 6th. So be sure to tell everyone you know to come vote!

Also, I have another important announcement:

I WILL BE GONE FROM MONDAY THE JULY 6TH THROUGH JULY 17TH!!!! While I am gone, I have asked my co-mods to post in my place, so the brawl WILL continue in my absence. So I hope everything goes well and I will see you all again when I get back! :)

If you have questions concerning voting, please feel free to contact me!

Your mod,
Livi (
liviliv )

ღvoting, ✣mod post - iconbrawl, ღiconbrawl

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