Hypocritical post... Me complaining of complaints

Oct 02, 2011 12:52

Well, I just got a couple of points on some things, so please don't yell at me that badly if I make a fool of my self. WARNING> Me complaining of complaints... yeah...

1. Okay, hypocritical post- Why is everyone always whining about the littlest things that happen in the fandom and canon, and make it like it's the end of the world? Example- The petition for a USUK movie, I know that's it's selfish and just wishful thinking, but do we really need to say all those terrible things about it, and how those people are total idiots for wanting something like that. As I said, it's allowed to have your wishes and express them. That leads me on to my second point...

2. Hetalia fans seem so tight on so called "rules" of the fandom. I know there is the occasional big slip from some fans which is outright offensive (we can point out the flaws for them, but do we really need 120 comments bashing them up?) , but other less "big" slip ups are scorned like crazy. Why is that? It seems that nobody can't do nothing in the fandom now...

3. Why do some people have problems with people who watch hetalia just for the pairings? Or just watching it for the history part? Does it really matter why they are watching it, and why is it that one is "better" then the other? I got into hetalia military uniforms and potential for political satire... does that make me not a "true" hetalia fan? What the hell is a true hetalia fan like, anyway?!

4. People insist (even though Italy is in canon) that some of the older nations are virgins. This could just be me, but I find it kind of impossible for Italy to be a virgin for 157+ years (?).

5. Bashing characters,or making characters into complete monsters. I think it's just a tad insulting and rude, because you do have to remember that they are technically the countries and have lots of traits from stereotypes from that country.

6. Said this a little bit in the 2nd point, but worth repeating- I know if someone does something offensive, and they truly didn't mean it, is it fair heaping 120 comments of abuse in the comment section? This reminds me of a cosplay thing a while back; and in the end people where just hanging the shit on them so much it was quite depressing. We can make a point, but do we really have to be so harsh in some comments?

7. Last one- I don't like how people complain about the size of the fandom (I was their in 2008, so I know the difference) and rant about its cons, but, is has pros too. If it was tiny, it would just be horrible for the fanfics, the art and everything with it, and you would know this if you followed some anime that barley no one knew. I think we should be grateful for hetalia's success, not complain about it :)

Uhh, I think that's it... sorry if I'm not clear on points. Just point them out. (also, sorry if these wanks have been posted before...)
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