When did Hetalia stop becoming Hetalia?

Sep 03, 2011 00:50

Okay, okay, before you all leap at my throat, I'd like to clarify. This doesn't apply to everything in the fandom etc. This is just a trend I've been noticing.

What I mean is, Hetalia is about personifying countries into humans right? It seems that it's become a fandom for romance and smut (imo). Sure, there are some well thought fics and all that jazz, but as of late, I've only been seeing gushy love scene between two people that disregards any and all setting. For instance, I've been seeing a lot of usuk fics that are really about two angsty teenagers with sex problems under the guise of the Revolutionary War. It feels like a better percent of the fandom has forgotten the premise of the series. Which is a real shame, because it's a creative idea that can be more explored than 'break up, make up, let's go make out'.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, don't use historical setting for a shipping excuse more than you should. Go ahead, make a fic about the Cold War. But remeber that you're writing about the Cold War, not a chick flick. 
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