
Mar 31, 2011 22:13

Rating: none? :/
Pairings: none
Warnings: cuteness overload? Maybe (I find them utterly cute)
Disclaimer: The bases of most faces are mostly Sims downloaded from Rechter_Sims and Japan and Italy from somehwere else I sadly don't remember (only Germany is completely by me). Oh, and I haven't make the custom content, just the sims theirselves.

Hey, guys :>
Since I got flashed by Nyotalia the last days, I wanted myself some Nyo-Sims. So I made them.
Well, I basically took their male Sims and made them female (with slight changes) and gave them new hairstyles /it has been a pain in the ass to find fem!England's hair, really, ughhh
Whatevurrr. Here they are, my lovely girls :>
(I'm really sorry, if the pictures are too big :/)

Alice Vargas / Northern Italy

Monika Beilschmidt / Germany

Sakura Honda / Japan

Rosa Kirkland / England

Emily Jones / USA (she is talking to her male self /D)

Françoise Bonnefoy / France

Chunyan Wang / China

Anya Braginskaya / Russia

If there are people who request it, I will share them with you :> But I have to find a proper hairstyle for Italy first, she has the same as France right now. Damn, it's a simple ponytail. Dx

japan, england, sims 2, germany, allied forces, screenshots, italy (northern ), france, russia, axis powers, china

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