The Sims 3 Asylum day 1

Mar 03, 2011 14:06

Okay, since as mentioned earlier, I can't make cuts, I'm gonna put the next post and day one here instead. Oh, and excuse the weird statues outside of the asylum, I used a money cheat for the fence and needed a way to get rid of the rest of the money.

First, everybody end up hypnotized by Austria except for two. America...

...and Russia, who is distracted by a children's show, or maybe he just doesn't wanna be in the same room as Belarus. And in case you wonder, no, I did not download his outfit. It is a recolored version of an outfit that comes with The Sims 3 World Adventures.

Well, aren't we lucky? A job in Law Enforcement at the first try.

Snitch: The Snitch isn't the most popular person on the force, but that doesn't mean it isn't a valued position. Keep your nose clean and head held high, and new, more interesting paths will open up.

Also, I don't ship them, but even I think they look like a married couple on that couch.

America: How was your day, honey?
Russia: I beat Latvia to submission~
America: That's... nice.

And because I just couldn't resist, here's a treat for you Amerussia/Russimerica shippers.

Roddy gains a skill point in guitar, so I tell him to take a break already. Hungary is very impressed by her husband's boyfriend's friend's playing. Or maybe her yaoi senses just told her about America and Russia.

The asylum is already getting to England.

And the Out Of Character-ness have begun by Belarus being near Lithuania and NOT severely hurting him.

THAT'S the Austria I know!

England is in an argument with his fairies.

Run away, Lithuania, run away!

Oooh, Iggy's made a new friend! I'm gonna cheat a bit and check who it is. And in case you wonder about why it's now 50 Simleons instead of 100, America bought a logic book for his job.

It's Austria!

"You know, I really miss the sight of you being on your knees begging for mercy."

Oh, Austria, ever the neat freak, aren't you?

Hungary LOVES a man who can cook.

Too bad he can NOT cook.

And America is not a COMPLETE moron anymore AKA he got a skill point in logic.

This may be the Hungary/Austria fangirl in me speaking, but: Aww, how sweet! She chooses Austria's food over the well-made food!

And here day one ends and with it this post. I hope you got at least ONE laugh from my horrible jokes. Tune in the next time when America goes to work and... umm... I'm sure SOMETHING interesting will happen.

austria, lithuania, england, screenshots, america, france, hungary, belarus, russia

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