My first Post~

Sep 08, 2010 14:06

Oh look who decided to finally post her sims junk online~

Rating: T and beyond~ (or lower... BUT I BLAME FRANCE'S NAKEDNESS)
Pairings: From my favorite AMERIPAN to the usual GerIta (Also, RoChu, FrUK and a bit of PruCan [BUT, PRUSSIA'S HAIR WAS A FAIL])
Warnings: Obvious crack and weirdness... also, lame commentary.
Disclaimer: Obviously, I made the Sims from scratch (because my game is being a douche and not letting me use the package sims) So, I just don't own the clothings and hair. All I know is, I own the sims and pictures BUT NOT THE GAME ITSELF Or the characters.
Summary: The moment I decided to create them is the moment they die. And I mean it.


screenshots, sims 2, axis powers, allied forces

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