[Group Auction] Animate DVDs set

Nov 10, 2011 23:40

Hello everyone! I'll be hosting this group order, and I have slightly different terms from the more regular hosts. :) This auction also has a reserve bid, which has not been met and I don't really know what it is. I'm going to contact the seller and see whether they'll disclose the reserve price, but no guarantees on this.

Sorry guys :( We gave it out best shot. Refunds have been sent -- please let me know if you have not received yours yet! Thanks for participating! :)

Feedback: http://sheraccoon.livejournal.com/39454.html

Claims expected: 14 November 10am PST
Payment expected: 14 November 10pm PST
(Time converter here: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html)

- NOTE: THERE IS NO SHOPPING SERVICE FEES. But I expect everyone to fairly foot paypal fees and/or pay via gift.
- I am located in California, USA.
- If I cannot get enough claims, this order will not go through. This is especially the case for the DVDs. I am not a storage area, I refuse to have to store a box of items that I don't want.
- I am not your bank. I do not give out loans. If you commit to an item in this group order, YOU MUST PAY FOR IT BY THE DEADLINE.
- There are 2 payments, the first one for the item itself. The second payment will include domestic shipping + small portion of applicable fees (auction fees & bank transfer fees etc + part of my payment fees) + shipping from me to you.
- If the reserve price is not met, you will be refunded promptly within 24 hours.
- If we fail to win the auction, you will be refunded promptly within 24 hours.
- If you claimed one of the parts of a DVD set, and have paid, but someone claims the whole set after you've paid, they will be given priority and you will be refunded promptly within 24 hours.

Your comment must contain the following details:
1. Name
2. Country
3. Paypal - this RESERVES your place
4. Items

CURRENT BID: $435 (32000yen)
My bank exchange rate (+ international transaction fee): 1 USD : ~73.33 JPY (will update when I have to put in payment! But I'll round up to the nearest 500yen for bidding ;))


English DVD 1 ($10)
English DVD 2 ($10) cidal_fun P

OCFs ($20 each)
Germany - arachnes_web (tentative)
China - sheraccoon P

OCFs ($25 each)
America - meg_inatree P
England - cherylwoo P
France - meg_inatree P
Russia - sheraccoon P

If there is a buyer for the entire DVD set, they will get priority. Please refer to the following link for details on the DVD: http://hetaliaitemguide.wikia.com/wiki/Anime_DVDs

DVD set ($35)
- Art sleeve ($10)
- DVD and Vocal CD ($10)
- Clear Card ($10)
- Artbooklet + Special CD ($10)

- Art sleeve
- DVD and Vocal CD
- Clear Card
- Artbooklet + Special CD

- Art sleeve
- DVD and Vocal CD
- Clear Card
- Artbooklet + Special CD

APH 3 raz2b P
- Art sleeve
- DVD and Vocal CD
- Clear Card
- Artbooklet + Special CD

- Art sleeve raz2b P
- DVD and Vocal CD
- Clear Card jevia P
- Artbooklet + Special CD

APH 5 sheraccoon P
- Art sleeve
- DVD and Vocal CD
- Clear Card
- Artbooklet + Special CD

- Art sleeve
- DVD and Vocal CD raz2b P
- Clear Card
- Artbooklet + Special CD

- Art sleeve
- DVD and Vocal CD
- Clear Card
- Artbooklet + Special CD

- Art sleeve
- DVD and Vocal CD psanon P
- Clear Card
- Artbooklet + Special CD

World Series 1
- Art sleeve
- DVD and Vocal CD
- Clear Card
- Artbooklet + Special CD

World Series 2
- Art sleeve jevia P
- DVD and Vocal CD
- Clear Card adregia P
- Artbooklet + Special CD

World Series 3
- Art sleeve
- DVD and Vocal CD raz2b P
- Clear Card
- Artbooklet + Special CD miro_rio P

World Series 4
- Art sleeve
- DVD and Vocal CD
- Clear Card pyridene P
- Artbooklet + Special CD

World Series 5
- Art sleeve
- DVD and Vocal CD
- Clear Card
- Artbooklet + Special CD

World Series 6
- Art sleeve
- DVD and Vocal CD
- Clear Card cidal_fun P
- Artbooklet + Special CD

World Series 7
- Art sleeve adregia P
- DVD and Vocal CD miro_rio P
- Clear Card arachnes_web P
- Artbooklet + Special CD osoroshia P

World Series 8
- Art sleeve arachnes_web P
- DVD and Vocal CD psanon P
- Clear Card cidal_fun P
- Artbooklet + Special CD

Fan Disc ($25) _melee_ P

Paint it White ($40) _melee_ P

Thanks for reading~ I'm going to bed now, and will check comments in the morning!

★paypal, yahoojapan, one coin figures, group order, dvds, goods, official

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