Here's a few ground rules:
- I ship within the California. I tend to be a tad slow, but if possible I ship same day (if payment was received before 5PM PST).
- I accept Paypal Only. Concealed Cash can be negotiated, but at your own risk! I do not accept E-Checks.
- I may accept trades for other Doujins of pairings I adore or artists I fancy (FraGer, PruHun. OVERDOSE, Ryoko/DieAnotherDay and others) or general items.
- This Doujin is explicit, and I really do not feel comfortable selling to Minors.
- I don't have a sample on hand, but I can provide one upon request.
Title: ??? (I honestly tried to find it on the artist's site to copy and paste it but even they didn't put it up. If you know it, please let me know!)
Circle/Artist: IMPALA (RemiAoi)
Pairing: Prussia/Hungary
Pages: 16
Rating: R-18. This is rather explicit throuought.
Synop: ... It's pretty much straight sex. From the looks of it Hungary's the one initiating it by stalking Prussia through his window.
Price: $15 - Which is what I paid for it, and it will include shipping.
The condition of it is pretty much pristine, but the spine does look to have a few bends on it. I'm assuming the previous owner scanned this prior to my purchasing of it. If this is a problem, I don't mind negotiating a lower price for it.
And while I'm at it, I'm going to plug my old sales post, as i have a few items I'd like to get rid of: