Jan 07, 2009 11:57

It's All About YOU
Name or Nickname: Bella
Gender: Female - but a serious tomboy (BITE ME.) - don't judge me on the name, seriously.
What do you LOVE?: Horror survival games (SILENT HILL, SIREN, etc.), first person shooters, predatory animals, Devil May Cry ('cause Dante's just too badass), pwning all during first person shooters and the awesome feeling I get during Halo when I throw a grenade at the body I just decimated, arcade shooting games (I just LOVE those guns you know) horror movies, electric guitars, rock concerts, rock music (AC/DC anyone?), rock band/guitar hero, SUPERNATURAL (the most awesome tv show ever IMHO), liquor, violence (it's all in the movies), tattoos, piercings, sports like football, hiking, camping out, mountain climbing, silver accessories, skulls, supervillains, winning or getting my way, the amusement park, roller coasters, gambling, Halloween, scary costumes, anything thrilling and gives you that adrenaline-loaded feeling of being on top of the world that makes you shout FUCK YEAH.
And what do you HATE?: Rules, boring, routine days, sappy romantic books/flicks which totally make the central girl character dependent as hell (I'm sorry Twilight fans but SERIOUSLY - I don't even know why the main character has my name too), chick flicks in general, sexists who think I'm supposed to be fucking prim and proper and pretty and wear skirts/poofy dresses just because I'm a girl. I could rant on about sexists forever my entire family is sexist, teen dramas with complicated love triangles and all that bull. Bimbos/girly girls who giggle about their hair and nails and cute boys, sappy love music, bubblegum pop, schooling, discipline, makeup (especially anything that sparkles), mushy lovey-dovey stuff, fancy-pants restaurants/behaviour, prim-and-properness, rich brats, clingy friends who don't think that you need your own time and instead try and drag you everywhere, you get the picture.
Strengths: Honest, bold, cunning, ambitious, determined, intelligent, creative, in-your-face, competitive, athletic, insane (is that a good point?)
Weaknesses: Disorganized, tendency to be largely insensitive with comments (let's say i'm a lil' TOO honest), tendency to spot bad points about a person more than peoples' good points, arrogant, always wants to win so when I lose I get PISSED. Doesn't make me a very good team player, bad sportsmanship, prone to bothering people a lil' too much. I'm also kind of a pervert.

Hobbies: Jamming with my friends in a band, laughing insanely, playing video games on a marathon until the early hours of the morning, being a perv (sometimes), watching Supernatural on rerun, going on arcade trips and finishing Silent Hill off over and over and over, playing sports on free days, fishing, skiing/snowboarding in winter, pranking people and scaring the hell out of them on Halloween and then laughing at them afterwards, gatecrashing peoples' parties.
Favorite Color: Black, dark purple, silver.
What is your favorite food?: Seafood - any type. Prawns, clams, whatever - I love seafood so much I could go pescatarian.
Favorite Country (without taking Hetalia into consideration): This - this is a difficult one. I'm going to go with...Japan. Heck yes.
Mature or Childish?: More of mature I guess but supremely childish sometimes. It depends on my mood that day.
Would you prefer to lead or follow?: LEAD, definitely. If there's one thing I can't stand it's crappy leadership.

Let's Talk HETALIA
Favorite Character and WHY: Hungary, for her pwnage-ness defending Austria.
Is there a certain strip that really sticks out for you?: Swedish-Polish wars. Lithuania - never knew you could be that awesome.
Hamburgers or Tea OR MAPLE SYRUP?: Neither. Gimme a huge NY Steak with mashed potatoes please.
Who dresses the best in the series? ♥: I think America. I like his jacket.
America/Alfred wants to watch a scary movie! Which one would you pick?: Woahhh, let's see I've got a whole load of choices here - we can go on a slasher marathon HECK YES.
How about a favorite ship/couple?: US/UK.

Do you believe in spirits or ghosts?: Umm, I guess but I couldn't care less actually unless those things SHOW UP in front of me.
You're at war! Do you take the enemy head-on with full force or lay back and take time to tactically move your forces?: HEAD-ON, FULL FORCE, I WILL OVERPOWAH YOU WITH MY IMMENSE NUMBERS.
You have to be transported to a deserted island! Oh no! You're allowed to take three items; what are these items?: My internet, because I can't survive without it, sporting equipment and A LOYAL SLAVE.
Please describe how you look or share a picture if you have one: I kinda get mistaken for a boy a lot, so I can say I look pretty androgynous with reeeal short black hair, long fringe that covers one eye, broad-shouldered, tall. Two cartilage earrings in each ear 'cause my parents don't let me get any more piercings damnit.

Any final words?:
Would you be so kind as to link those surveys you voted on before posting this?:
Oh, can I see your vital regions?: ONLY IF YOU /GIVE/ ME YOURS.

stamped!prussia, !stamped

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