I will not be seizing any vital regions!

Jun 21, 2012 00:39

It's All About YOU
Name or Nickname: My name is Victoria, and that is what I prefer to be called.
Gender: Female.
What do you LOVE?: I love Hetalia, dancing, going on Tumblr, drawing, reading, and listening to music. I also like to work out, learn new languages, and travel.
And what do you HATE?: I hate it when people interrupt me (or anyone else). I hate it when someone makes a mess and doesn't clean it up, and I hate it when people talk when I'm trying to work. I hate it when someone chews with their mouth open. I hate headaches. I hate the sound of plastic wrappers. I hate it when people don't try or give up. I hate bullies, fakers, and anyone who pretends to be something that they aren't. I hate a lot of things.
Strengths: I am extremely determined, resilient, and strong. I am a natural-born leader, and I can easily take charge of almost any situation. I always try my best. I am fiercely loyal, caring, and honest. I am protective of those I care about, and I stand up for others and for what I believe in. I'm very intelligent, I can read people like books, and I have been told that I am very humorous. I'm pretty energetic, and I have morals and standards that I abide by. I have a very strong memory. I'm charismatic and charming, and I can be very manipulative if I want or need to be.
Weaknesses: I can be somewhat intimidating. My personality is very strong, so I guess that's why. I am pretty pessimistic. I can be ill-tempered, and when I am angry, I blow up like an atomic bomb. I have a very low amount of patience for ditzy people, I'm pretty bossy at times, and I overanalyze everything. I can be indecisive. I have trouble expressing how I feel. I consider myself to be more theatrical in public than emotional. I'm mercurial. I am a complete perfectionist, and I am very critical of myself and others.
Hobbies: Dancing, exercising, listening to music, reading, writing, drawing, thinking, learning languages, and going on Tumblr
Favorite Color: I like black, white, red, grey, and silver.
What is your favorite food?: I don't really have a favorite food.
Favorite Country (without taking Hetalia into consideration): Hm, that's difficult. I love America since I was born here and I have a lot of military connections. I also love Italy because of the beautiful architecture. However, I've always had a really strong connection with Germany. I don't know why, but I feel drawn to the country.
Mature or Childish?: Mature.
Would you prefer to lead or follow?: Lead. I'm a "take charge" kind of person. I have a difficult time following orders when I could be in charge. Since I am a perfectionist, I know I could do the job better than most. Plus, I can make pretty much anyone listen to me.
Let's Talk HETALIA
Favorite Character and WHY: My favorite character is Germany. I like his personality. He's serious, hard-working, intense, caring, polite, strong-willed, tolerant, intelligent, passionate, and kind. I like that he likes to keep order, clean, work out, walk his dogs, bake sweets, and read. He's a leader who is willing to take charge, and he would do anything to protect the people he cares about. I love that blush that he gets when he's nervous, how he sweatdrops when he works hard on writing or talking, and his rare, but absolutely perfect smile. I like his perfect hair, amazing eyes, and the fact that he's in shape. He also has that accent! I love the aggressive yet beautiful sound of the German language. Romano is a close second, though.
Is there a certain strip that really sticks out for you?: When America cleans out his storage room…I can relate to having that overwhelming feeling of nostalgia.
Hamburgers or Tea OR MAPLE SYRUP?: Tea!
Who dresses the best in the series? ♥: I like Romano's uniform a lot, but I also like Germany's and Prussia's.
America/Alfred wants to watch a scary movie! Which one would you pick?: I would go with a classic Hitchcock suspense film, like "Psycho" or "The Birds". I like the fact that they make you squirm.
How about a favorite ship/couple?: I like PruHun. The idea of Prussia having a massive thing for Hungary but being to "awesome" to express it is just very funny and adorable.
Do you believe in spirits or ghosts?: Yes, I do.
You're at war! Do you take the enemy head-on with full force or lay back and take time to tactically move your forces?: Is this seriously a question? In war, you must strategize and come up with multiple scenarios and solutions to each of them. Being tactical and taking your time is necessary for success. Even lightning warfare involves meticulous planning and careful orchestration! One must also have the strength to back up their plans. You have to have a balance of tactics and strength.
You have to be transported to a deserted island! Oh no! You're allowed to take three items; what are these items?: A plane with a full gas tank, a pilot, and communicators. If I can't bring those or you want more creative answers, a teleportation device, a skybison, and a magical bag that you can produce any item out of.
Please describe how you look or share a picture if you have one: I'm about 5'6 with straight, mid-length, dirty blonde hair (I curl it sometimes). I have Caribbean blue eyes and wear contacts (I'm nearsighted). I have a square-ish face shape, symmetrical features, and I often have a serious expression when not around friends or while working. I have an hourglass shape with an athletic, somewhat muscular appearance. I look like fem!Germany overall, but I have fem!Romano's hair only shorter.
Any final words?: Hm, I come off as being "too serious" about things, and I have a hard time saying "I love you" to people. My zodiac sign is the Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp (November 26), I was born in the year of the Rat, and my personality type bounces between E/INFP and E/INFJ.
Would you be so kind as to link those surveys you voted on before posting this?: Yes, here they are. I just copied and pasted them - I hope that's alright.
Oh, can I see your vital regions?: *sighs* No Prussia. The answer has always been "no", and that is how it will stay.


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