I'm the hero?!

Dec 13, 2011 18:31

It's All About YOU
Name or Nickname: Kat
Gender: Female.
What do you LOVE?: Music, movies (comedy/horror = the bomb), black humor, sarcasm, playing my Gibson Les Paul, drawing, working hard to make that dinero, and all my little cousins (aggravating more often than not, but mostly rewarding).
And what do you HATE?: BACKSTABBING, when people underestimate me and try (and fail miserably) to beat me, when people discard perfectly good advice in order to follow their own moronic tendencies, large groups of narcissistic giggling girls, large groups of narcissistic "BROS BROS BROS" guys, and last but not least, when people try to force me into things. Quit trying people. It doesn't work. Oh, and people that breathe really noisily two inches away from me. The urge to punch them is OVERWHELMING.
Strengths: I don't hesitate to throw out my opinion if I have one (offensive or not, you'll hear about it-- ranting and raving is a common occurrence). I'm stubborn and strong to a fault, but if I love you, then there's no way that I'd hurt you too badly. I'll sacrifice for my loved ones, but will be damned if I let them walk all over me without a fight. Apparently I have a sarcastic sense of humor...lots of pride, and a super strong will. I never let 'em see me sweat. I'm pretty driven, win most of my arguments (through sheer force of 'i-will-never-give-in-you-bastard'), but am also loyal and kind. ...You just gotta scratch the surface to see those last two traits. Lastly, I might complain and antagonize them, but I value and love the ones that stick with me.
Weaknesses: I have the world's worst temper and am a notorious cynic. I'm typically chill, until anyone starts something with me, but certain people (loved ones included) can reaaallly get under my skin and light my fuse. I have alot of pride, which is both a good thing and a bad thing...sometimes my black sense of humor is used at completely inappropriate times, and I tend to be antagonistic towards people I actually like (what can I say, it's funny to watch them get wound up). I'm also blunt to a fault-- people can usually tell by my body language/facial expressions/ect if I don't like them or what they're saying.

Hobbies: Reading, writing, soccer, my guitar, playing pool with my friends (even though I suck at it), learning new things.
Favorite Color: Black.
What is your favorite food?: This changes constantly. I have no favorite food, only cravings-- to compensate for this, know that I have an utter Coke Zero addiction. And a slight addiction to mint tea.
Favorite Country (without taking Hetalia into consideration): Mexico. Beautiful, with some of the most interesting locals that I've ever met in my life (I grew up in Nuevo Laredo).
Mature or Childish?: Mostly mature, but occasionally my childish side comes one (ie: pranks, occasional temper tantrums, gleefulness over the dorkiest of things -cough-findingmyoldDoomPatrolcomics-cough-).
Would you prefer to lead or follow?: Lead-- if I want something done, I lead my own fucking charge. If you're with me, all the better!

Let's Talk HETALIA
Favorite Character and WHY: Greece-- something about that laid back and super cool demeanor is um...refreshing?
Is there a certain strip that really sticks out for you?: The end of Chapter 5 when Italy is pretending to be Germany and telling everyone to take care of themselves, and Germany corrects his salute...I dunno why, but I thought that was too-effing-cute.
Hamburgers or Tea OR MAPLE SYRUP?: ...Tea. with the occasional craving for a Burger King Double Cheeseburger..
Who dresses the best in the series? ♥: This is gonna be a biased answer, but Russia. Because I'm in Michigan, FREEZING MY ASS OFF, and really want to steal his scarf.
America/Alfred wants to watch a scary movie! Which one would you pick?: Paranormal Activity. SUCK ON THAT.
How about a favorite ship/couple?: Greece/Japan-- super laid back with super uptight always makes for hilarity.

Do you believe in spirits or ghosts?: Pretty much. Seen too many things that are unexplainable to conclude otherwise I guess...
You're at war! Do you take the enemy head-on with full force or lay back and take time to tactically move your forces?: Take some time to plan (because just throwing yourself into the fight is just plain moronic), then make them go down HARD.
You have to be transported to a deserted island! Oh no! You're allowed to take three items; what are these items?: CRAP. ...my guitar, my ipod, and a deck of cards. I'll need something to entertain me while I'm burning a "HELP PLEASE" sign from the beach.
Please describe how you look or share a picture if you have one:

Any final words?: Ahh...hot chocolate...and quiet?!...bliss.
Would you be so kind as to link those surveys you voted on before posting this?:
Oh, can I see your vital regions?: Yeah, as soon as you go die in a fire.


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