(no subject)

Nov 22, 2011 18:17


Name: Katie
Gender: Female
Stamped As: America (Hero!)


What is your basic goal in life? What would you and your rival most likely be competing for? My basic goal in life is to be successful and (hopefully) rich and able to change the world. I guess my rival and I would be competing for a position of power (that sounded evil) or having totally different opinions on how to change the world.
Would you taunt your rival openly? No, I am always very polite around my rivals and friendly, however I often casually bring up our arguments around people who agree with me to show them I’m right.
Would you taunt your rival quietly or anonymously? If we were in private I might taunt them out front, but in company I’d be very discreet and anonymous.
Would you resort to dirty means to beat them? No, I would never fight dirty, even if I wanted too. Unless the world might seriously end if I didn’t beat them and I had no other means to defeat them. (Dude, everything I say sounds like a bad movie plot.)
Let's say you lost to them. Would you be a good sport about it? Outwardly, but I’d be bitter for a short while on the inside until I got over it.
If you won, would you boast? Yes. I’d think I’d be above boasting, then do it anyway. It would be discreet, sarcastic boasting though.


Would you prefer them to be sneaky or obvious about competing with you?: Obvious, so I can more easily find their weaknesses. And because I’m a nice person and would never figure out if they’re competing with me and didn’t say so.
Do you want them to be good at whatever they're doing? Some like a challenge, after-all~: Yes, it’s no fun competing if you can easily beat them.
How would you want them to act if they won? I would want them to be nice, but I’d probably end up with someone who’ll just scream it all the time. Then we’d just have a deeper rivalry.
How would you want them to act if they lost? I would want them to understand that I’m superior and get on with their lives (but maybe return for a sequel fight later to make my life more interesting).
Would you like him/her to be your friend after it was all said and done? Yes, I’m not one to have lasting enemies anyway. That’s no fun.
If you found out they cheated, would you be upset? Would you alert others about it, or just suck it up? I wouldn’t out rightly say they cheated, but just be upset no one else noticed and punished them.
This may not relate to your goal, but let's say... There's a wonderful prize for winning! Your rival has a very sick mother and needs the prize money to pay for the operation! ...Would you lose on purpose? Yes, of course, if they need the money.

Links to Three Applications:
Anything Else?: Please rate me!

theme: rival, !unstamped

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