Prussia invaded my vital regions!

Sep 11, 2011 21:30

Name: Rachael
Gender: Female
Stamped As: General: Austria, Look-A-Like: Hong Kong

Introverted or Extroverted?: Introverted. I'm really shy. It's to the point where the pitch of my voice gets higher if someone speaks too suddenly to me. I'm really loud when I'm around people I know, though. I totally didn't have to Google this...
Rational or Emotional?: Rational. I do sometimes do things based on my emotions, but I'm definitely more rational.
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Pessimistic. I honestly don't think I can be positive.
Dominant or Submissive?: Dominant most of the time, because I don't like being told what to do, and I would rather be in charge because I feel like I know what's going on most of the time. I only get submissive when I know that I'm supposed to obey the person or when I'm really upset.
Large Groups or Small Groups?: It really depends. I like large groups if all of the people are my friends. Smaller groups are better if I don't know most of the people.
Cautious or Impulsive?: Impulsive for the most part, but I'm cautious when necessary.
Pet Peeves:
-People who are rude to others for what appears to be no reason
-People who are mean to people that don't agree with them
-Improper grammar/spelling
-People who brag about being mean/trolling someone
-When someone's culture is mocked
-People who only talk about their relationships
-Getting ignored
-When I'm touched by someone who I don't know well (Excluding teachers and people who I know are very nice but I don't know personally. This really scares me and makes me extremely uncomfortable.)

Which traits would you want in a partner?:
-Good looks
-Realizes that we're equal in the relationship
-Won't lie, even if they're afraid I'll get mad
-Able to handle people who like video games, manga, the internet, etc.
-A bit talkative
-Knows how to have a bit of fun
-Able to deal with my eccentric behavior and friends
-Can deal without constant affection all the time
Which traits wouldn't you want in a partner?:
-Sexist (I don't want to be told to 'get back to the kitchen.' Even as a joke.)
-Loud (I'm okay with being loud when it's appropriate. But I don't want someone who would yell and scream inside the house or car.)
-Doesn't think rationally
-Curses a lot (I mean in like, every sentence. It really gets on my nerves.)
-Easily angered
-Not trusting
-Over Competitive
Dominant or submissive?: A little bit of both. I want someone who can listen to what I say without arguing. Then again, I don't want him to be pushed around by others all the time.
Introverted or extroverted? Both. I don't want him to be so quiet that I can't have a full conversation with him, but I don't want him trying to force me to talk to people I don't know.
Romantic or like a 'best friend'? I would honestly prefer romantic, but best friend is good too.
Would you rather have a fast-paced relationship, or take things slowly?: Take things slowly. If it goes too fast then something will happen that we'll regret.
An ideal date?: One where we actually have conversation and where I feel comfortable. Also something that doesn't scare me or make me nervous.
Links to Three Applications:
Does it matter which gender your 'partner' is?: Not really. It's just for fun. :3
Anything Else?: I would prefer to not get someone that I've been stamped as. Spain seems to be too popular as well. But, if you see Austria, Hong Kong, or Spain as a fit, then feel free to vote for them.

!unstamped, theme:lover, stamped!finland, !stamped

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