Greece's cats are adorable and all....

Nov 12, 2010 10:55


Person A's Username and Name: explosivebubble  - Liz the Teddy-seme
Person B's Username and Name: artyuk  - Candice the Bunny-uke
Stamped As (Person A): Japan
Stamped As (Person B): look-alike! America
What type of relationship? BEST FRIENDS FOR EVER~
How long have you two known each other? We met in middle school more than five years ago.

Questionnaire for Person A

What was your first impression of Person B? Has it changed?
I honestly do not remember. We met so long ago. My first blurry memories of her involve bombarding her with Jrock bands and talking about pirates. She was always very nice to me. So~ I cannot say whether or not my "impression" has changed. I didn't particularly have one to begin with...

What are three things you like best about Person B?
She is such an unbelievably loyal person/friend.
She is trustworthy and can keep a secret.
And not only that, she doesn't judge me for who I am or what I say.

What about three things you like the least?
Sometimes, she lacks confidence.
Sometimes, I feel like she doesn't give people who have wronged her or her friends any second chances.
Eh...three things? She pokes me too much?

Do you ever fight with Person B? If so, what usually about?
Nothing serious, no. Even if we disagree, we don't fight about it.

How would you describe your relationship with Person B?
She's like a little sister to me sometimes. She is my greatest confidante but is also a person with whom I can be silly and have many, lovely Poland moments. When she's going through shit, we can talk honestly with each other. I sometimes give advice but mostly just listen. In turn, she has offered her shoulder to me in my moments of immense emo-ness. Nothing comes between us, and when something does (friend, family, or boy drama), we enact swift judgment to remove the pestilence!

FRIENDSHIP ALWAYS WINS! *sparkle sparkle*

What do you think Person B likes the most about you? What about the least?
She tells me that she can talk to me about anything, both inside our fandoms and in real life. She also tells me that I am a sweet person and am huggable like a teddy bear.

And what is there to dislike about me?! ...oh, fine. She tells me to stop putting myself down, claiming I'm beautiful/talented and stuff like that...

For fun, pick a theme song for Person B.
 "Magic Dance" by David Bowie

or "I'll Make a Man Out of You" from Mulan *shot...multiple times...*

Anything else? Thank you for making my boring existence interesting, mon petite lapin~ I LUFF YOU~

Links to two applications:

Questionnaire for Person B

What was your first impression of Person A? Has it changed?
Quiet chick with glasses in the hallway! Who's in 8th grade!
Of course my impression's changed! Now it's "Best awesomest buddy ever! *rubs cheek against*"

What are three things you like best about Person A?
-Listens well and gives personal input
-Understanding to just about anything
-Silly, pokeable, huggable,Teddy

What about three things you like the least?

Do you ever fight with Person A? If so, what usually about?
Not really. We have sharing of different opinions, but not arguements or fights.

How would you describe your relationship with Person A?
She's my best friend. Has been my best friend since grade school. ouo
I'd say we're closer than alot of friends. Pretty open about stuff.

What do you think Person A likes the most about you? What about the least?
iunno what she likes. But I can probably get annoying or loud or really dorky. I'm sorry. >:

For fun, pick a theme song for Person A.
Pure Imagination from Willie Wonka

Anything else?

Links to two applications: 

theme:relationship, stamped!japan, stamped!n.italy, !stamped

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