It's All About YOU
Previously stamped: Japan
Name or Nickname: Amanda or Mandi/Charliewithout the dash; they're two separate names
Gender: Female.
What do you LOVE?: What is love? Does anyone know what it truly is? I love cats. I love travelling and being at home. I love history and music. I love being barefoot. I love red hair. I love dark-skinned men with nice abs and arms... I love long hair, but I also really like short hair on the right person. I'm a sports fan: football, soccer and baseball.
And what do you HATE?: Ihate strongly dislike the way my brother treats animals. I don't like hearing people eat or drink. I'm also not a fan of being ordered or bossed around. A simple "please" does wonders. I don't like idiot parents or serious abuse of any sort. I don't like how my feet are all cracked from being barefoot constantly...or their dirty colour even when they're clean...
Strengths: I'm good with animals and experienced in English grammar. I can read people fairly well, and I'm a good listener as well. I can bake pretty much anything but cookies for whatever reason.
Weaknesses: Put a cat within sight, and I go to pieces. "Kitty! 8D" *grabby hands I'm awful with math; numbers are just beyond me, so money is kind of an issue. I'm not much of a smiler or a people-person. I'm very very shy, so I come off as being unapproachable.
Hobbies: I draw and write fanworks and original works. I read a lot of manga and novels, usually fiction with a lot of vampires and mystery.
Favorite Color: Piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiink, purple & bluegreen, yellow, black, silver/grey, white, red, orange, that order; I do include shades and absence of colour, just to play with those of you who know physics.
What is your favorite food?: I love pasta. Any kind of pasta. I eat a lot of fruits, too, along with vegetablesnamely cucumbers. I'm not big into meat, since I'm flexitarian, but my favourite is chicken.
Favorite Country (without taking Hetalia into consideration): I love learning about European nations. Italy and Espana are gorgeous...Slovenia's really pretty, too, but so unappreciated. :'c
Mature or Childish?: At what point in time? I can be very mature when it's called for. I can also be very childish when it's not called for, especially when dead things are involved.
Would you prefer to lead or follow?: Follow...leading is too much work, and I'd lead everyone into a wall or something.
Let's Talk HETALIA
Favorite Character and WHY: I really really like Greece because of the cats and his character design. Iceland's another favourite because of his design, personality, adorable big brother, and the puffin. America and Canada are cool, too, for their personalities and relationship...they're brothers yet so different. And then MANADA appears and kicks America's butt. >D America cries and runs to Japan, who's confused at the Westerner's clinging and tearful babbling. Turkiye gets jealous and starts to make a fuss, which attracts Greece's attention because Japan is involved, and China comes along because everyone's being loud. England, in the middle of his tea, drags America home and spends a good few hours yelling at him and being completely oblivious to Canada, whom's invisible again and is moving about, scaring America into believing their's ghosts in his house. Tony beams England onto his ship because he hates him and offers America a burger and milkshake to shut him up.
The end.
Is there a certain strip that really sticks out for you?: I haven't read many of the strips, but of the ones I've seen, I really like the Nekotalia ones.
Hamburgers or Tea OR MAPLE SYRUP?: ALL OF THE ABOVE. IN A BLENDER. WITH SOME AVOCADO. Let's make guac, baby. ;D
Who dresses the best in the series? ♥: Ahhhhahahahaha~ Iceland and Austria. Spiffy aristocratic outfits.
America/Alfred wants to watch a scary movie! Which one would you pick?: THE BLOB. Cherry pie filling has never looked scarier. ou0
How about a favorite ship/couple?: I'm a Spain/S. Italy fan along with Austria/Hungary, Mangary/Prussia, Sweden/Belarus, France/Spain, France/ England, Greece/Japan, America/Canada...and lots more. A lot of it is turning into crack. I like crack. I even keep Coke in my closet.
Do you believe in spirits or ghosts?: No, but I think I've heard them before. That or I'm just so old that my ears are playing tricks on me when I'm home alone.
You're at war! Do you take the enemy head-on with full force or lay back and take time to tactically move your forces?: Shoot first, ask questions later. It'll be a war fought without media or government involvement. The ones involved will be the people actually fighting in it, those who know what war is. Take no prisoners.
You have to be transported to a deserted island! Oh no! You're allowed to take three items; what are these items?: Walmart, Wi-Fi, and my cat.
Please describe how you look or share a picture if you have one: Have a copypasta from
I dyed my hair recently, so it's strangely white-blonde up top but fades to darker blonde as it goes. My eyes are grey-blue, and I'm obviously Caucasian. I've got beauty marks all over the place, with two obvious ones on my left cheek.
I think my nose is shaped funny. I can't see without my glasses, so I'm hardly ever without my red glasses.
I'm chubby but solid.
I squint a lot, too.
Any final words?:
Would you be so kind as to link those surveys you voted on before posting this?:
4Oh, can I see your vital regions?: