Greece's cats are out to take over the world! Q A Q

Jul 30, 2010 04:13

Person A's Username and Name: mooeydooey  - Sarah
Person B's Username and Name: jazzsea_19  - Gabrielle
Stamped As (Person A): America! (FUCK YEAH)
Stamped As (Person B): Switzerland (GET OFFA MY LAWN DAMN KIDS!! D< )
What type of relationship? Friends
How long have you two known each other? How did you meet? Known each other for about a year and a half, and we met through a hetalia rp group on Deviantart.

Questionnaire for Person A
What was your first impression of Person B? Has it changed? My first impression of Gabby waaas that she was nice! She was friendly and said she looked forward to rping with me! Then for a while I was scared because I thought she was so cool and that talking to her was just a bother to her but that has changed cause now I know she is just as much of a dork as I am. xD!
What are three things you like best about Person B? I like how caring Gabby is and how I can trust telling her ANYTHING, she has a GREAT sense of humor and can always make me laugh, And she is very intelligent so I don’t have to worry about talking things out with an immature buffon!
What about three things you like the least? Hmmmm… Well, in some places she doesn’t give herself enough credit as she deserves. e 3 e And she lives very far away! And when something is bothering her, she may not tell me about it if she thinks it will bother me, but I’m so damn oblivious I won’t notice unless she points it out so I think nothing’s wrong (But it’s not too often that happens~)
Do you ever fight with Person B? If so, what usually about? We don’t fight! o w o If anything she just questions my awesome and I have to outlogic her and he like “NO YOU! >D” and own at everything with awesome! … but really, we don’t fight. xD!
How would you describe your relationship with Person B? AWESOME FRIENDS! She is one of my best friends. = w = We have a very easy relationship, to the point where I can actually talk to her for /hours/ EACH day which I can’t even do with my family! She’s my mind twin from another continent. Also she abuses me with love. = w = ~ Really, one time she spent five minutes just stabbing my leg with a nail file for the hell of it. CAUSE SHE WANTED ME TO KNOW SHE CARES~ xD!
What do you think Person B likes the most about you? What about the least? I think that Gabby likes my optimism and humor the most, and my empty headedness and tendency to forget or not think of things the least. < w >
For fun, pick a theme song for Person B.…. Bitch by Meredith Brooks? >D NOPE NOPE JUST KIDDING~ It’s Big Ass Rock from the Full Monty. = w = Because her kind of love is “Don’t kill yourself! Let ME take care of that for you silly hold still while I hit you~ = w =” xD!
Anything else? Gabby and I are like… Pinky and the Brain. Vendetta and Charlotte. Angel and Devil child. Every single dysfunctional battle to the death pairing yet somehow we work and agree most of the time. xD!
Links to two applications:

Questionnaire for Person B
What was your first impression of Person A? Has it changed? My first impression was that she was dangerously funny because she made me cry tears of awesome laughter when she first appeared in the chatroom where the group rp-ed. Now I still think she's dangerously funny but I know there's more to her than just that = w =
What are three things you like best about Person A? I like how optimistic she is, how we can speak of every subject even though she's younger than me (including joking about cannibalistic tendencies and an army of undead gay soldiers on unicorns) and we have pretty much the same sense of humor even if sometimes I have to put up a big "sarcasm" sign for her just to make sure she gets it xD
What about three things you like the least? How she sometimes overthinks stuff and I need to punch her in the ovaries so she stops being a dimwit, and also EAT LESS FAST FOOD WOMAN LEARN TO COOK! D< (this counts as two <3)
Do you ever fight with Person A? If so, what usually about? Not really, if we ever fought about something it would probably be about FAST FOOD RARGH EAT SOMETHING THAT IS NOT KILLING YOU SLOWLY!
How would you describe your relationship with Person A? Awesome friends of awesome! >D and this comes from someone who's happy to be alone, but we've come to the point where I'm comfortable enough to be myself around her.
What do you think Person A likes the most about you? What about the least? mmh... I dunno, she seems to consider I give good advice. But she keeps saying I don't give myself enough credit (LIES!)
For fun, pick a theme song for Person A. THE CHICKEN DANCE! >D
Anything else? Has anyone seen "Making Fiends"? That would give you an idea of the way we work. She's the Charlotte to my Vendetta (and I apparently make an awesome Vendetta impersonation >D!)
Links to two applications: yessir!

theme:relationship, stamped!n.italy, stamped!poland, !stamped

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