Name: Rachel
Gender: Female
Stamped As: Liechtenstein in general, nothing for this yet.
Introverted or Extroverted?: A little bit of both? Mostly introverted, I guess.
Rational or Emotional?: Both? More rational?
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Mostly optimistic.
Dominant or Submissive?: I have no idea. I've never really had a relationship before. Ever.
Large Groups or Small Groups?: Depends in the circumstances.
Cautious or Impulsive?: Both? Argh, so indecisive. I guess if I had to choose, I would say cautious.
Pet Peeves: People who hate me without getting to know me, people who bash on my friends, I'm kind of a grammar nazi, if that counts XD ...l-lol, I don't think any of this would help you? XD
Which traits would you want in a partner?: Honesty, loyalty, a sense of humor, even if I'm the only one who gets the jokes.
Which traits wouldn't you want in a partner?: Possessiveness, jealousy.
Dominant or submissive?: I guess dominant? But sometimes submissive.
Introverted or extroverted? Maybe a little of both? I'd like them to be like me and introverted, but still somewhat outgoing so they're not a big moper.
Romantic or like a 'best friend'? Probably kind of like a 'best friend.' Actually, in the words of my own BFF (not romantically, haha), "like a best friend, only difference is we cuddle and kiss."
Would you rather have a fast-paced relationship, or take things slowly?: I would like to take things slowly.
An ideal date?: I'm up for anything, but if it's something nice, like taking a walk outside, it'd be so much better. <3
Links to Three Applications: it matter which gender your 'partner' is?: I guess not.
Anything Else?: I'm a little nervous. Dunno why. Derp.