I wonder if France's rose squirts people ...

Jun 09, 2010 12:49

Gender: Male
Stamped As: Russia. The Baltics had enough sense to give me 12 points.

Quick Personality Questions

Introverted or Extroverted?: Somewhat introverted except if I know the people or if I'm on stage
Rational or Emotional?: More emotional
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Extremely pessimistic about myself but optimistic about others
Dominant or Submissive?: Quite submissive, though I don't really want to be
Large Groups or Small Groups?: Both can be good in different situations; I like being in a small group in a large crowd
Cautious or Impulsive?: Getting increasingly more cautious.

Your Companion

Which traits would you want in a companion?: One I can travel with; well-behaved; affectionate; would make me smile and I could make it smile as well
Which traits wouldn't you want in a companion?: Prone to attacking its owner or running away; talks down to me or asks like it is my master; overly needy
Would you rather have a companion that's open to everyone, or is only affectionate/loyal towards you?: I'd like them to be more open; the companion can spread the love!
Stay at home or travel around with you?: Travel around, of course!
Able to talk to you or simply gives you its presence?: Either one is fine.

Do you have any phobias that could affect what companion you get? (Such as a fear of ghosts): Not really, unless they require me to go really high up in the air (unless I'm in an enclosed space such as a plane or a spaceship, in which case I don't mind) or would constantly be putting my life in danger.
Links to Three Applications: http://community.livejournal.com/hetalia_rate/584044.html?view=5117804#t5117804 http://community.livejournal.com/hetalia_rate/583740.html?view=5117500#t5117500 http://community.livejournal.com/hetalia_rate/582452.html?view=5117236#t5117236 http://community.livejournal.com/hetalia_rate/581940.html#cutid1 http://community.livejournal.com/hetalia_rate/584390.html
Anything else?: NI!

theme: companion, stamped!finland, !stamped

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