What am I??

Apr 26, 2010 14:24

It's All About YOU

Name or Nickname:  Roora / Nickname: Tsundorka

Gender:  Biologically speaking…female…but I prefer to think of myself as a male mentally thanks~ :]

What do you LOVE?: … Family and my friendssss I will defend them! Plus I like my hetalia and few other animes~ Drawing too~ my music too~

And what do you HATE?:  hurting people…also, I hate both males and females they both piss me off and annoy me many times… I hate whiney ,clingy people too and back stabbers… I don’t like perverts…. And inconsiderate people… and very moronic people that make no sense…it makes me wanna kill them all…

Strengths: my art/drawing… lifting heavy stuff…good listener when needed to be, and being there for people when they need comfort.… good at confusing the shit out of people and making people laugh and go WTF with my antics [usually done on purpose to make the WTF effect  and for them to laugh], very loyal to my loved ones.

Weaknesses:  I’m very hothead, and stubborn… and I’m anemic so I can’t do too much physical stuff, but I over do it anyways regardless. Emotionally very sensitive.  I am oblivious of my surrounding. I also worry a lot about my loved ones

Hobbies: drawing [anime style], listening to music, making cosplays, sleeping
Favorite Color:  Mint Green, light pink, light yellow

What is your favorite food?: …chocolates…. California rolls, potatoes, pancakes… okay I like a lot of stuff okay…

Favorite Country (without taking Hetalia into consideration):  England, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong

Mature or Childish?:  More on the childish side… but I can be very mature when I need to be. I prefer to be carefree and childish..it makes life much more enjoyable.
Would you prefer to lead or follow?:  omg good question… but I guess I would prefer to follow because I like making my friends and family happy, so I will do whatever they want… but if I have the expertise in something… I would prefer to lead people…

Let's Talk HETALIA
Favorite Character and WHY:  England, because he’s just cute personality wise and how he seems to have certain things in control… America… I just love how carefree he seems to be and I admire how he can break off and be free and independent…

Is there a certain strip that really sticks out for you?: Mmmm…not really in particular… I love them all…oh wait the Christmas one where U.K. and France called each other up accuseing them of stuff that’s happening . [Iggy being the drunk or pirate santa, and France killing his santa again]

Hamburgers or Tea OR MAPLE SYRUP?:  I  think I’ll give into my Asian side…and say Tea… plus I like to drink more than to eat….
Who dresses the best in the series? ♥:  England when he’s NOT drunk…. His casual wear is what I really like to wear myself…
America/Alfred wants to watch a scary movie! Which one would you pick?: …NEITHERRRRR *SOBBBBBBBB* I will be screaming like how America did or just run and hide before the movie even starts.

How about a favorite ship/couple?:  US/UK, UK/US, Spain/Romano… I usually just focus on one pairing I apologize…but I’m for any pairing I don’t flame anyone and I will talk to anyone of any pairing as best as I can.

Do you believe in spirits or ghosts?:  Yes, and I believe I have interactions with them.. or they come harass me soo I get scared GREATLY, lack of sleep due to this…
You're at war! Do you take the enemy head-on with full force or lay back and take time to tactically move your forces?:  I rather have a little bit of a plan then ATTACK … you should plan a little and know that not everything will go as you plan…. Thus little planning…. And more attacking. ANYTHING GOES!

You have to be transported to a deserted island! Oh no! You're allowed to take three items; what are these items?:  Gun to defend me, blanket, cellphone to try to call for help.

Please describe how you look or share a picture if you have one:  ughhhh I'll totally put in a pic… this was my most recent one...aside from my cosplays....

Any final words
Would you be so kind as to link those surveys you voted on before posting this?: …NON!....LOL JK JK here you go:




Oh, can I see your vital regions?: …ughh…NOOOO… and if you can’t take no for an answer…I’ll shoot you before you take the 1st step towards me.

stamped!switzerland, !stamped

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