Apr 04, 2010 01:06

It's All About YOU
Name or Nickname: You can call me TJ.
Gender: I have two X chromosomes. :)

What do you LOVE?: Being warm, naps, reptiles, SCIENCE!, math, history, looking at the night sky and the moon, telescopes, microscopes, pineapples and cherries, roses, jasmines, logic, puzzles, riddles, sweet stuff, salty stuff, (really really) spicy stuff, drawing/animating, doodling, horror movies, explosions, pyrotechnics, tactic games, RPGs, real-time strategy, watches, geeking out with other people, obscure references, having the opportunity to take walks and just think about everything and nothing in particular, and other random things I can't recall off the top of my head right now.

And what do you HATE?: I hate that I feel like I'm freezing to death in 70 degree weather, the smell of permanent markers, gasoline, nail polish remover, and scented candles (Haha, sensitive nose for the fail), being bored, having to shake hands with sweaty hands (Haha, hand sanitizer FTW), small enclosed spaces with many people in them (I actually like small spaces, but only if I'm alone in there/there are not many people who are eating up your oxygen), arrogant people who obviously do not deserve to be so (Like stupid people who think they are smart and therefore try to correct every single thing you do when they obviously do not know what they are talking about), people who keep trying to one-up you, people who ask questions they already know the answer to in order to fish for compliments, awkwardly making small talk, people who must talk for 6 hours straight on Skype while their roommate is trying to do work (ಠ_ಠ).

I am an extremely loyal person to those who earn it. It takes a long time to earn my trust, but once you do, you'll have it pretty much forever, and you can be sure that I'll be that person who organizes small scavenger hunts for your birthday, or leaves you little "cheer up" notes on your notebook if you're having a bad day. I'm also a good listener, and have had several instances where I've stayed up way past the acceptable time to sleep listening to incoherent ramblings of my friends, trying to comfort them. But on the flip side, I can hold grudges for a long time, so if anyone ever breaks that trust, they'd probably never get it back again. I'm also very logical, and (in addition to helping me in science/math classes) helps me make smart choices. I'm also a hard worker, to the point of being almost obsessive (I've definitely skipped meals before because I forget to eat while working. I swear it's not on purpose).

If you can't tell by my hates, I have a bit of an antisocial bend. I do try not to be annoyed at the general population, but there are just so many things that annoy me. Luckily I'm more of a "live and let live" type of person, so I usually forget by the end of the day. However, I can hold grudges for a long time (As in I don't let them go...working on that), so if someone does something really bad, I'll never forget it. Also, I apparently scare people that I've never interacted with before in my life, though I honestly don't know why. I don't let my annoyances show from day to day, and am actually quite pleasant to be around with if you're my friend. I can, however, come across as a bit cold and ruthless since I refuse to let my emotions sway my decisions (So sob stories usually just get a blank stare from me rather than the customary look of pity). This also leads to lots of overthinking, and I do tend to overcomplicate a lot of problems that are very simple to solve. I can also come across as arrogant, elitist, and misanthropic (Again, working on that).

Hobbies: I play tennis, draw/animate, paint, play the piano, play lots of video games, and read, read, read (Lots of nonfiction books. I love learning for the sake of learning. :) )
Favorite Color: I usually say black for these questions because technically it contains all the colors, it just doesn't reflect it.
What is your favorite food?: I like salty, spicy, sweet, umami... Basically anything that isn't bitter and/or tasteless. But right now I'm really craving some French Vanilla ice cream. That or bacon. Bacon would really hit the spot right now.
Favorite Country (without taking Hetalia into consideration): After taking 8 years of French, I almost feel like I have an obligation to say France. But it really is a beautiful country with lots of history, and these overly extravagant, ridiculous musicals. (See their new gothic Mozart as an example).
Mature or Childish?: Mature for the most part. I can turn into a child if I get excited enough though (Like when I geek out with friends). But yeah, for the most part I'm pretty mature.
Would you prefer to lead or follow?: I prefer to follow unless the leader shows incompetence. At that point, I'll probably take over and just get things done.

Let's Talk HETALIA
Favorite Character and WHY: Oh jeez, I love most of them. But right now I'm listening to China's 4000 year song, and it's absolutely tragic. I love tragic characters, so right now my favorite character is China. But I really like Russia too, what with his huge scarf, sunflowers, and adorable yet scary disposition. (Maybe I just like Communists. OTL)
Is there a certain strip that really sticks out for you?: Any of the more serious strips are my favorites (So like the American Revolution, or the Bloody Sunday, etc.).
Hamburgers or Tea OR MAPLE SYRUP?: Oh god yes tea. I love Jasmine and green tea, it's deliciously aromatic and calms me and my headaches down.
Who dresses the best in the series? ♥: FRANCE IS FABULOUS Erm, any of the older military/battle uniforms are great. Also, I'm kinda partial to those ridiculously fluffy hats that people like Prussia and France wear sometimes.
America/Alfred wants to watch a scary movie! Which one would you pick?: I'd pick the Ring, then do the entire call him right afterwards and whisper '7 days' thing. Or, if there is a black cat nearby, we'd watch the Grudge.
How about a favorite ship/couple?: Russia/China could totally be best buddies, the kind that stay up late debating whose version of Communism is better. xD Also, I like the idea of France/Jeanne D'arc, but I actually can't remember any strips with them together. I also like Prussia's adoration for Fritz. Haha, I'm more of a platonic shipper rather than romantic.

Do you believe in spirits or ghosts?: Mmmm, not really. I used to truly believe in them, but then I realized that a lot of what they say about ghosts/sightings don't make much sense. I think that if someone could offer some more concrete proof, it'd be super awesome.
You're at war! Do you take the enemy head-on with full force or lay back and take time to tactically move your forces?: Tactics are my specialty (At least in games, haha). But I'd probably hem and haw for a long time trying to create the perfect battle plan, with backups and backup to those backups. By then the enemy forces would be on us already. But I guess if we're backed into a corner, I'd push back with some brute force.
You have to be transported to a deserted island! Oh no! You're allowed to take three items; what are these items?: Time machine to stop myself from getting stranded in the first place. Uh, I'd probably bring a computer with internet access (Somehow. This is a deserted island after all. xD) to contact for help, a huge umbrella to hide from the sun, and a fishing pole, because I've never fished before and want to try it.
Please describe how you look or share a picture if you have one: I have no pictures, but I will say that I am relatively small (100 pounds, 5 ft+), with a round face and long black hair that goes almost to my waist. I'm usually seen wearing oversized t-shirts and thick jackets (The most comfortable combination in my opinion, although I am partial to suits as well).

Any final words?: Thank you for wading through that WALL OF TEXT.
Would you be so kind as to link those surveys you voted on before posting this?:

Oh, can I see your vital regions?:


stamped!norway, !stamped

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