It's All About YOU
Name or Nickname: Hyu
Gender: Female
What do you LOVE?: Uh.... Talking with close friends, making icons/graphics, playing video games, etc. I really like History/Social Sciences. this is even from before I got into Hetalia as an fyi I just think all of that stuff is so fascinating, Human Geography, Euro History, American History, cool *____* I enjoy reading as well, and my favorite books usually have some historical basis or have a dystopian setting. Uh...I love unsweetened iced tea I would marry it. And sleeping. I love sleeping.
And what do you HATE?: People who don't think before they speak. I hate when people say things without any consideration of the situation or such, and then when they say it everyone else can tell that it was completely inappropriate for the circumstances. Also, people who judge others quickly. Sure, we all do it, but to talk to someone for 5 minutes and then declare they're an idiot or something is ridiculous. You don't even know the person, you can't make a judgment like that. And people who are bullies. Dislike so much ;A;
Strengths: I'm pretty smart and I learn quickly for the most part. I really enjoy learning and like to challenge myself. I'm ridiculously loyal to those I consider my friends; whether I say it to them or not I love them all <3 I'm artistic to an extent as well.
Weaknesses: I'm really introverted. Some say I come off as aloof even if I don't intend to be. I do like having friends but I have trouble expressing my feelings/starting the conversation. On the same topic, I can't keep a conversation going if I don't know the person well/have just met the person. So I seem sort of stand-offish I guess. Oh and I fail athletically.
Hobbies: Making icons. Sitting down and reading a good book. Talking on MSN.
Favorite Color: I really like all the colors, but I love colors with a greyish tint to them. Grey-blue, Grey-Purple, anything like that 8D Neutral colors are cool too though.
What is your favorite food?: Uh...Idk. Tempted to say pasta but that's so ridiculously Hetalia. xD Chicken I guess. I eat it a lot.
Favorite Country (without taking Hetalia into consideration): I always sort of wanted to visit England or Japan. But I don't feel like I know enough about them to be able to call it my favorite. On that logic though I'd be left with America since I live here, but I honestly don't love the country as a whole. Yes yes, hate the unpatriotic American xD
Mature or Childish?: Depends on the situation. When I'm with friends, I act like a child xD When it's time to be serious, it's time to be serious and I'm more mature.
Would you prefer to lead or follow?: Really depends. On one hand I hate making decisions. /indecisive But on the other hand I hate when people don't do something the way I want it. Not completely a "my way or the highway" mentality, but that's pretty close. I can compromise because I dislike conflict/confrontation. On little things I don't mind following, but really important situations with a good deal at stake I like to lead.
Let's Talk HETALIA
Favorite Character and WHY: I used to be able to say England with 100% certainty, but now I'm torn between him and France. I was always fascinated with the actual country, so England always kind of stood out for me. A gentleman on the outside, but when you get him riled up he's a total punk. I love that xD France wasn't on my favorite list at first, but he's grown on me. Yeah, he's a pervert, but he can be funny and serious too. And his rivalry with England amuses me. And he totally looks like a teenage girl in the medieval strips and I totally love it. xD
Is there a certain strip that really sticks out for you?: Well, I like the Storage Cleaning/American Revolution strips because it shows a much more vulnerable side of two pretty strong characters. And the Medieval strips with France and England because Chibirisu = adorable tsundere love.
Hamburgers or Tea OR MAPLE SYRUP?: ...Well, it's not Maple Syrup. I'm torn honestly, I love both. I have tea much more often though so I'll say Tea.
Who dresses the best in the series? ♥: Francis bby. Without a doubt. ;) Hnnngh character cd cover
America/Alfred wants to watch a scary movie! Which one would you pick?: Haven't seen any scary movies lately so I dunno. Oh wait I'm sort of lying. Paranormal Activity hands down. Alfred would be terrified for months just because he'd think its so real. xD
How about a favorite ship/couple?: At the moment, its FrUK, but England is my fandom bicycle so I ship him with like everyone. I like USUK and Bad Friends Trio epic threesome though too. xD
Do you believe in spirits or ghosts?: I dunno really. Part of me is tempted to say no, but its not like there's proof either way. I'd say its possible.
You're at war! Do you take the enemy head-on with full force or lay back and take time to tactically move your forces?: Tactics tactics tactics. To an extent. If you spend too long planning you're probably worse off. But taking a little time and planning a great strategy is the way to go ;)
You have to be transported to a deserted island! Oh no! You're allowed to take three items; what are these items?: ...A GPS system, a boat, and water. Because no one is keeping me on some damn deserted island. xD
Please describe how you look or share a picture if you have one: Really short, about 5 foot even. Medium length dark brown hair and brown eyes. I'm of Mexican descent (I can't speak Spanish though, don't even ask xD) so I have tan/light brown skin. About average in weight.
Any final words?: :)
Would you be so kind as to link those surveys you voted on before posting this?:
1 2 3Oh, can I see your vital regions?:Only if I can invade yours first. ;)