It's All About YOU
Name or Nickname: Solange/Shini-chii
Gender: female, bb ♥
What do you LOVE?: reading ♥, cute things, plushies, creepy things (think /x/ or creepypasta), walking around town, music (all kinds! I will readily jump form Japanese to Spanish to English to random songs in whatever language my friends gave me, instrumental and classic are fine, too! ♥), anime/manga, learning, old videogames (think freeware and shareware, MS-DOS and the like), paranormal stuff, the unknown, winter/cold weather.
And what do you HATE?: excessive chat-speak (or worse, SMS-speak) to the point you can't know if they're asking you something or telling you something, summer, sunlight, people who go all "all religious people/emos/ghoths/etc are the same :/", obsessive "anti-[fandom]" people (anti-Twilight, anti-HP, anti-Hetalia, anti-Naruto, etc all the same to me), the notion that no gay couple in the world would ever switch positions in bed (the height rule and all else too), hell, let's leave it at discrimination and trying to stop freedom of speech |D;.
Strengths: I'm good at cheering up and listening to people. I don't judge people at all, so that makes me able to be surrounded by many different people who can all give me insight on all kinds. I don't give up on what I want and I'm good at pushing conflicting emotions away when I need to be level-headed to solve something. Also, I've been described as someone with infinite patience/mother-like qualities.
Weaknesses: Cute things. And girls, because all girls are cute *nods*. I'm emotionally weak on the inside, even if I have learned how to control myself a little. I'm a bit self-conscious so I come off as shy and reserved at first. I react pretty bad to changes of any kind and I'm extremely hard to appease when someone fucks when someone I love to the point some people have been afraid to approach me days after I already calmed down.
Hobbies: Reading and writing, mainly.
Favorite Color: Black and Orange, baby! ♥
What is your favorite food?: uuuh, I don't think I have one as of late.
Favorite Country (without taking Hetalia into consideration): Spain or Argentina (lol patriotic bias).
Mature or Childish?: Both. It depends, I guess.
Would you prefer to lead or follow?: Follow.
Let's Talk HETALIA
Favorite Character and WHY: South Italy. I'm not exactly sure why. I have always had a soft spot for people like him I suppose. I find him quite interesting, despite how often his relationship with Spain and general attitude are used for the lulz. I actually adore him to bits in more ways than I could possibly explain. Spain and Feliciano are close seconds. Spain because he makes me feel better just by being himself, and Feliciano is nnnnh inspiring ♥.
Is there a certain strip that really sticks out for you?: The one with England and the Kappa. I actually cried at that.
Hamburgers or Tea OR MAPLE SYRUP?: I will leave my 4, sometimes 5 cups of chamomile a day speak for me.
Who dresses the best in the series? ♥: My bias says Romano, and I grudgingly add France as close second.
America/Alfred wants to watch a scary movie! Which one would you pick?: [●REC]! Or maybe Quarantine, because he seems to be more afraid of his own versions of horror movies. XD;
How about a favorite ship/couple?: Spain/S. Italy, period. I like many others, but OTP, baby.
Do you believe in spirits or ghosts?: Yes, since I was little. If I had the old man around still, I'd try to talk about him to you. Except we couldn't because he'd be turning off the PC all the time...
You're at war! Do you take the enemy head-on with full force or lay back and take time to tactically move your forces?: Lay back.
You have to be transported to a deserted island! Oh no! You're allowed to take three items; what are these items?: A copy of "The Outsider" by Ernesto Sábato, a flashlight of the kind you can recharge manually and some sort of notebook to keep a dairy (can we say the pen and the notebook came together and count as one item? XD).
Please describe how you look or share a picture if you have one: Mmm... I'm very, very pale (my mother works in a Hospital, new doctors usually want to admit me when I'm around until they realize yes, I'm that pale), average height, I have big breasts (of the kind that always end up meeting someone's face, because my life is a bad comedy like that) and I usually walk around in dark clothes with little orange accessories here and there because black and orange = ♥, and usually straight hair, when I bother with it. I dunno, I'm not that out of the usual.
Any final words?: oh God, the tl;dr
Would you be so kind as to link those surveys you voted on before posting this?:
Sure thing,
sir/ma'am! ♥
Oh, can I see your vital regions?: lol no.