Kolkolkol! Kolkolkol! Kolkol all the way!

Jul 15, 2009 01:30

1) Name? Envi! or technically Katelyn but my parents suck...
2) If I pass you on the street, what expression should I expect to see on your face? Probably some strange face that I'll look like a monster or just laughing hysterically. I'm generally very happy
3) What do you take into account FIRST when buying clothes? (colour, fit, price-- etc.) Style first, then color, then fit...price comes last ^~^
4) What are you wearing RIGHT THIS MOMENT? Um a button down white shirt with skulls, a red and black tie, and a black tripp skirt with silver skulls.
5) How much time do you take getting ready in the morning? like 30 minutes unless I'm going somewhere special or feel like dressing up. Then it's more like an hour...
6) I know you did this in the main rating form, but I'll need at least three pictures of you! No cosplay photos or wigs. Like stated before, VARIETY is key; at least one full body and one face close-up~ Seriously? Oh gosh I look so bad in pics...
I used this one in my main one but whatevs

My friends and I being strange. I'm on the very left if you can't tell

I have no idea...

I'm on ze right...don't ask what was going on....

And full body shot. sorry my face was blurred >.<

stamped!hungary, theme:look-a-like, !stamped

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