Name: Elisa. You can call me Raiden or Beldarius. I answer to both.
Gender: Female.
Stamped As: China.
What is your basic goal in life? What would you and your rival most likely be competing for? I don't really have a basic goal, apart from getting married, having kids and becoming a library assistant. Buuut I guess my rival and I would be competing just for the hell of it. XD
Would you taunt your rival openly? If he/she taunted me first, then yes. Otherwise, not really. I used to have an archenemy type guy back in elementary school and we fought every recess. ...When he called me names, I called him "pipsqueak" and "shrimp".
Would you taunt your rival quietly or anonymously? No. Unless telling embarrassing things about him/her to my friends counts. Like the time he played with an apple during class and somehow managed to get it stuck in a roof lamp. XD
Would you resort to dirty means to beat them? Never. I always try to be fair. Back during school time I was the bigger one of us and defeated him by knocking him over and sitting on his back. XD
Let's say you lost to them. Would you be a good sport about it? Unless he/she really insulted me or hurt me, yes. ...I guess hitting me in the head with a flashlight counts as a "no" answer. No, seriously, he did that.
If you won, would you boast? Um... nope. I don't think so. When my archenemy boasted that he'd beaten me in fights all the time, I passed him and said over my shoulder "No way a pipsqueak like you could achieve something like that.".
Would you prefer them to be sneaky or obvious about competing with you?: Obvious. I tend to be a backstabber myself. ._. I might badmouth somebody I dislike in a chat and when they pop up, I start to act nicer.
Do you want them to be good at whatever they're doing? Some like a challenge, after-all~: Yes if it's intellectual. No if it's physical. And I hate fighting (if it ever resorts to that) - the guy I mentioned was an exception.
How would you want them to act if they won? I guess be a bit proud, but I hate bragging. -_-' It's not nice to hear somebody say "Oh yeah, I totally beat that girl the other day. She's a loser. 8DDD"
How would you want them to act if they lost? Grin and bear it. Whining pisses me off.
Would you like him/her to be your friend after it was all said and done? If it's possible, of course. With my archenemy? Tried. TWICE. Didn't really work as a week after each attempt he was kicking and punching me AGAIN.
If you found out they cheated, would you be upset? Would you alert others about it, or just suck it up? ...I always keep quiet about people cheating in tests (if I see that happening) because I don't like to make enemies. So... I guess I'd just shut up. ._.
This may not relate to your goal, but let's say... There's a wonderful prize for winning! Your rival has a very sick mother and needs the prize money to pay for the operation! ...Would you lose on purpose? No. Though if I won, I'd split the money and give the other half to my rival.
Links to Three Applications: Else?: Noooope.