AUGH I suck at tags. >o>U But I have enough votes, and the majority is Sealand (I miscounted the first time, because I am full of fail right now). But uh... if anyone can help me get RID of some of these tags, it'd be much obliged, because I can't make them go away. D;
Name: Kat
Gender: Female
Stamped As: Canada
Introverted or Extroverted?: Introverted, though I’m trying to become more extroverted.
Rational or Emotional?: Emotional.
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Optimistic. Life’s too short to be worried about what might go wrong.
Dominant or Submissive?: Submissive, but not to the point of being a doormat. I like doing things for people, but if I feel I’m being taken advantage of, I’ll stop helping.
Large Groups or Small Groups?: Small groups.
Cautious or Impulsive?: Cautious, to the point of over thinking some things.
Pet Peeves: Bees, angry people, people who make others feel bad, my own failure, screaming/bratty children (this doesn’t mean I don’t like kids. In general, they’re very cute), parents who don’t tell their kids to be quiet/allow their child to be a brat, slow people, people who don’t try in a class and then complain about how hard it is, people who never admit that they are wrong, bugs in general, bad vibes, and traitors. And when people cling to me, or just get in my personal space all the time.
Which traits do you like in a friend?: Determined, competitive, outgoing, sarcastic, loyalty, honesty, sense of humor, trustworthy, respect, helpful.
Which traits don't you like in a friend?: Serious, whiny, clingy, know it all, arrogant, the kind of person who thinks ‘you’ll always be the exact same person you were the day I met you and you will never change ever!’
Introverted or extroverted? Extroverted.
Would you prefer to be their only or "best" friend, or do you not mind sharing the spotlight? I might mind a little if I had to share being the best friend, but I’d get over it so we could still hang out and have fun. If we were just friends, though, I wouldn’t mind sharing the spotlight at all.
You and your best friend have a day totally free from all other obligations and appointments. You can do whatever you want! What do you do? …watch DVDs! Stuff like Disney, Justice League, Avatar, random anime… or we might play Wii, and we might go on a walk.
You and your friend have an argument. What's it most likely about? Something trivial that neither of us are really all that serious about. Like, whether or not a character is dead or who the best character is in a show.
Your friend needs money. Would you give it to them as a gift, loan it to them and expect money back, or just not give them any? Why? I would give it to them and not expect anything back. It just seems odd to me to give someone you’re close to money and then say “By the way, I will expect you to pay me back. When do you think you’ll get the money to me? :D”
Links to Three Applications: Else?: Nope.